
Gender Distribution of Degrees in Religion


Women earn a substantially smaller share of degrees in religion than in the humanities field as a whole (at both the and levels), but the percentage did increase at all degree levels from 1987 to 2014.

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* Degree shares do not include .

Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The IPEDS data were accessed and analyzed via the National Science Foundation’s online science and engineering resources data system, .

See the Note on the Data Used to Calculate Humanities Degree Counts and Shares, the Note on the Definition of Advanced Degrees, and the Degree Program Code Catalog for an inventory of the specific degree programs included by the Humanities Indicators under the heading of “Religion.” Unlike the other disciplines profiled in the Humanities Indicators, for which basic degree completion data are available going back to 1966, counts of religion degrees are available only from 1987 onward. (Until the late 1980s, religion degrees were combined by the National Center for Education Statistics, the collector of these data, with those conferred in religious studies.)

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