
The Age of New Humanities Ph.D.'s


The (SED) reveals that the median age of humanities and arts students who completed a Ph.D. in 2020 was almost three years higher than for doctorate recipients in general, with a comparatively large share of older students earning the degree. This may come as little surprise, since doctoral . However, the gap in age at completion is not fully explained by the difference in time to completion, as doctorate recipients in the humanities and arts spend only about one year longer in their doctoral programs than students earning a Ph.D. in other fields.

(Note: These indicators present data for Ph.D.’s in both the humanities and the arts, which the National Science Foundation’s National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics combines in its public reporting of findings from the SED. But because the humanities produce substantially more PhDs each year than the fine/performing arts, the SED provides useful insight about the state of doctoral education in the humanities.)

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* Includes agricultural sciences and natural resources; biological and biomedical sciences; and health sciences.
** Includes earth, computer, and information sciences, as well as mathematics. The latter three fields were reported separately beginning in 2015.

Source: National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities (Data Tables, Years 1994–2020), (accessed 2/15/2022). Table numbers for years: 1994 to 1998—A-3a; 1999 to 2001, 2005—18; 2002 to 2004—17; 2006, 2008—20; 2007 (included in 2008 report)—S-20; 2009—24; and 2010 to 2020—27. Data presented by the American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences’ Humanities Indicators ().

The data on which this indicator is based are collected as part of the federal , a national census of recently graduated doctorate recipients.

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* Includes agricultural sciences and natural resources; biological and biomedical sciences; and health sciences.

Source: National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates (custom tabulation prepared for the Humanities Indicators by RTI in November 2021). Data presented by the American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences’ Humanities Indicators ().

The data on which this indicator is based are collected as part of the federal , a national census of recently graduated doctorate recipients.

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if f.field_survey.value != 1


  • 1The compared disciplines are history, languages and literatures other than English, and “Letters.” The latter encompasses: American literature (U.S. and Canada); classics; comparative literature; creative writing; English language; English literature (British and Commonwealth); rhetoric and composition; and speech and rhetorical studies.