Amory Prize

Given since 1940, The Amory prize recognizes major contributions to reproductive biology. The prize is supported by an endowment fund established by Mr. Francis Amory.

Learn more about the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ and the prizes it awards



Haifan Lin, Yale School of Medicine, for contributing to knowledge and progress in areas of developmental biology and stem cell research.
Prize press release
Honoree introduction and remarks

A man with dark hair, wearing a dark suit jacket, white shirt, and dark tie, stands at a podium and smiles at the viewer.
Haifan Lin accepting the Amory Prize in 2024. Photo by Dan Renzetti/Yale University.



Ruth Lehmann and Gertrud M. Schüpbach for discoveries that have significantly advanced their own fields and contributed to knowledge and progress in areas including DNA repair, embryonic development, RNA regulation, and stem cell research.
Prize press release
Honoree introduction and remarks



Barbara Jean Meyer, University of California, Berkeley, for her breakthrough solutions to long-standing mysteries about chromosomal expression and sex determination.
Prize press release
Honoree introduction and remarks



Patrick C. Walsh, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, for research and surgical innovation in the treatment of prostate cancer.
Prize press release



Peter N. Goodfellow, SmithKline Beecham, Harlow, Essex, England; Robin H. Lovell-Badge, MRC, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, England; and David C. Page, Whitehead Institute, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, for their pioneering work on the genetic basis of male sex determination.



David L. Garbers, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, for discovery and identification of factors that regulate sperm function.



Beatrice Mintz, The Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for contributions to reproductive biology and cell differentiation.



Henry Lardy, University of Wisconsin, for work on the metabolism and function of spermatozoa.



Susumu Ohno, Division of Biology, City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California, for fundamental contributions to the biology of sex chromosomes and sex-linked genes.



Elwood Vernon Jensen, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, for pioneering studies of the mode of action of estrogenic hormones.

Mary Frances Lyon, FRS, Head, Genetics Section, Medical Research Council Radiobiology Unit, Harwell, England, for genetic discoveries relating to mammalian sex chromosomes.

Jean D. Wilson, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas, for contributions to the understanding of androgenic hormones and their relation to human disease.



Karl Sune Detlof Bergström, Karolinska Institutet, for structural analysis of the prostaglandins and characterizing the prostaglandins as C20 acids of a novel type.

Min Chueh Chang, Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Worcester, Massachusetts, for work in the physiology of reproduction and the capacitation of spermatozoa.

Howard Guy Williams-Ashman, Ben May Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, for his research in the biochemistry of reproduction and the uncovering of novel biological macromolecule and enzymic processes.



Geoffrey Wingfield Harris, University of Oxford, England, for pioneering work in the field of glandular physiology, particularly on the role of the brain in regulating the functions of the pituitary gland, opening to research a vast new field of neuroendocrinology.

Hans Henriksen Ussing, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, for important contributions to renal and electrolyte physiology and for his ingenious studies on the transport and hormonal regulation of sodium and water across isolated frog skin, which has led to a new understanding of the transport processes that are basic to the functioning of the human kidney.



J. Hartwell HarrisonDavid M. Hume, and Joseph E. Murray, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, for their surgical finesse in developing the technique of renal transplantation in humans.

John P. MerrillBenjamin F. Miller, and George W. Thorn, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, for their imaginative handling of the medical problems connected with the management of renal failure and kidney transplantation.

Harry Goldblatt and Eugene F. Poutasse, Mount Sinai Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, for their studies of renal ischemia and hypertension in humans and the development cures thereof.

Eugene M. Bricker and Justin J. Cordonnier, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, for the suggestion, careful development, application, and evaluation of urinary diversion by uretral transplantation to a segment of ileum.



Frederic E.B. Foley, Lowry Medical Arts Building, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the development of surgical procedures and instruments that have contributed greatly to the treatment of urological disease.

Choh Hao Li, University of California, Berkeley, California, for his work on the relation of the anterior pituitary hormones to the maintenance and functioning of the human reproductive organs.

Thaddeus R.R. Mann, Molteno Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, for his basic contributions to the rapidly expanding field of the biochemistry of reproductive functions providing basic data stimulating research and clinical progress.

Terence J. Millin, the Queen's Gate Clinic, London, England, for his valuable contribution to surgery by devising and developing the technique of retropubic prostatectomy for benign hyperplasia of the prostate and for adapting this technique to radical prostatectomy and vesiculectomy for the cure of cancer of the prostate.

Warren O. Nelson, State University of Iowa, College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa, for his penetrating studies of the structural relationships of the male sex organs and of the factors that determine the functional activities of the various components thereof.

Frederick J. Wallace, American Cystoscope Makers, Inc., New York, New York, for his cooperation with the urological profession in developing diagnostic and therapeutic instruments that have contributed materially to the technical advances in this specialty.

Lawson Wilkins, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, in recognition of his significant contributions to fundamental knowledge of growth and development of secondary sex characteristics in men and his brilliant application of adrenal cortical hormone to their management and treatment.



Alexander Benjamin Gutman, New York, New York, for his demonstration, aided by his wife, E. B. Gutman, of the usefulness of serum acid phosphatase determination in the diagnosis and management of patients with prostatic malignancy.

Charles Brenton Huggins, Chicago, Illinois, for his studies on the prostate gland, on the influence of several hormones on prostatic secretion, and on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the prostate that have brought relief to many men.

Willem Johan Kolff, Kampen, The Netherlands, for his development of an artificial kidney in the treatment of patients with uremia and for his monograph describing the construction of the apparatus, indications for its use, and observations on its effectiveness.

Guy Frederic Marrian, Edinburgh, Scotland, for his research on the chemistry, biochemistry, and metabolism of the steroid hormones affecting the activity of the male and female generative tract, leading to important diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

George Nicholas Papanicolaou, New York, New York, for his development of exfoliative cytology and its application to rapid and simple methods of diagnosis of cancer of the organs of the genitourinary tract.

Selman Abraham Waksman,New Brunswick, New Jersey, for his discovery of streptomycin, an antibiotic agent that has proved to be of great value in the treatment of infections common to the urinary passage.



Ernest Laqueur, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, for his contributions to the physiological, pharmacological, and clinical knowledge of the male sex hormones, and in particular for his investigations of sex hormones that resulted in the discovery of testosterone.

Joseph Francis McCarthy, New York, New York, for the development of instrumental procedures for the examination, diagnosis, and treatment by way of the urethra of certain diseases of the bladder, prostate, and related organs.

Carl Richard Moore, Chicago, Illinois, for his studies of the physiology of spermatozoa and of the male reproductive tract of mammals. His work has demonstrated important influences of hormonal secretions of the male sex glands on the behavior of other components of the male reproductive apparatus.

Hugh Hampton Young, Baltimore, Maryland, for devising the operation of total prostatectomy by the perineal approach. Through this technique, obstruction to the outlet of the urinary bladder caused by cancer of the prostate gland is relieved without interfering with the normal function of the bladder.