
All the counts, percentages, and averages included in the narrative below are estimates generated from data collected for the third round of the Humanities Department Survey (HDS 3). The survey response rate for musicology departments was 63%. (For more on how to interpret the results, see the Introduction in the complete profile for this discipline.)

Musicology departments were first included in the 2012 survey.2 Of the departments that granted degrees in fall 2012, 93 still did so in fall 2017.

Download the full profile (PDF) or see the the main HDS 3 report.

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if f.field_survey.value != 1


  • 1All estimates in this profile are for the population of departments granting degrees in 2012 that were still doing so in 2017. The survey was able to detect departments that ceased to grant degrees between 2012 and 2017, but not any departments that may have begun granting degrees during that period.
  • 2Students who enrolled in more than one course in the discipline are counted in each course in which they enrolled. The same is true for the graduate course enrollment values given below. Medians for all “per department” quantities mentioned in this section are available in the corresponding data tables (please see the Appendix, Part B).