
The Humanities Departmental Survey (HDS-2), in response to persistent questions, explored how humanities departments prepared their students for the workforce; for example, whether they offered such programs to students within the department, or courses in other professional schools or programs. (The degree-granting departments and programs studied in HDS-2 were all at four-year colleges and universities.)

Occupationally Oriented Activities for Undergraduate Students, 2011–12 Academic Year

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* Includes job fairs geared to the interests of the department’s majors.
** The survey offered three choices (“Activity is not offered,” “Activity is offered,” “Activity is required”); respondents could choose only one. Thus, the total proportion of departments that participate in the activity is the sum of the two columns; the difference between this sum and 100% is the proportion of departments that do not offer the activity.
Source: Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Departments at Four-Year Institutions (College Park, MD: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014). Study conducted for the American Ƶ of Arts Sciences’ Humanities Indicators Project.

Occupationally Oriented Activities for Doctoral Students, 2011–12 Academic Year (Nonacademic Employment Only)

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* Includes job fairs geared to the interests of the department’s majors.
** The survey offered three choices (“Activity is not offered,” “Activity is offered,” “Activity is required”); respondents could choose only one. Thus, the total proportion of departments that participate in the activity is the sum of the two columns; the difference between this sum and 100% is the proportion of departments that do not offer the activity.
Source: Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Departments at Four-Year Institutions (College Park, MD: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014). Study conducted for the American Ƶ of Arts Sciences’ Humanities Indicators Project.

Percentage of Humanities Departments with Professional Programs, by Discipline, Fall 2012

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* A combined department is one that grants degrees in English and also in languages and literatures other than English.
Source: Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Departments at Four-Year Institutions, Table 19, p. 28 (College Park, MD: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014). Study conducted for the American Ƶ of Arts Sciences’ Humanities Indicators Project.

Percentage of Humanities Departments Offering or Requiring Occupationally Oriented Activities for Undergraduate Students, by Activity, Academic Year 2011–12

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* Includes job fairs geared to the interests of the department’s majors.
Source: Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Departments at Four-Year Institutions, Table 20, p. 29 (College Park, MD: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014). Study conducted for the American Ƶ of Arts Sciences’ Humanities Indicators Project.
The question on the HDS-2 that inquired about the occupationally oriented activities offered or required by departments: (28) Below is a list of activities intended to prepare students in doctoral programs in in your department or program for non-academic employment. Please indicate which of these activities your department or program (in any of its programs) offers, either on its own or jointly with the institution’s career services unit in academic year 2011–2012 (including the 2012 summer term).

Occupationally-oriented presentations by employers, employees, or alumni (includes job fairs geared to the interests of your department’s or program’s majors)
Activity is not offered
Activity is offered
Activity is required

An internship in an employment setting
Activity is not offered
Activity is offered
Activity is required

Occupationally-oriented coursework or workshops (credit or non-credit)
Activity is not offered
Activity is offered
Activity is required

Percentage of Humanities Departments Offering or Requiring Occupationally Oriented Activities for Doctoral Students, by Activity, Academic Year 2011–12 (Nonacademic Employment Only)

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* Includes job fairs geared to the interests of the department’s doctoral students.
Source: Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Departments at Four-Year Institutions, Table 21, p. 20 (College Park, MD: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014). Study conducted for the American Ƶ of Arts Sciences’ Humanities Indicators Project.
The question on the HDS-2 that inquired about the occupationally oriented activities offered or required by departments: (28) Below is a list of activities intended to prepare students in doctoral programs in in your department or program for non-academic employment. Please indicate which of these activities your department or program (in any of its programs) offers, either on its own or jointly with the institution’s career services unit in academic year 2011–2012 (including the 2012 summer term).

Occupationally-oriented presentations by employers, employees, or alumni (includes job fairs geared to the interests of your department’s or program’s majors)
Activity is not offered
Activity is offered
Activity is required

An internship in an employment setting
Activity is not offered
Activity is offered
Activity is required

Occupationally-oriented coursework or workshops (credit or non-credit)
Activity is not offered
Activity is offered
Activity is required

Percentage of Humanities Departments Offering Undergraduate or Graduate Courses in Professional Schools, by Discipline, Fall 2012

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* As a share of all departments housed in institutions with professional school(s).

** A combined department is one that grants degrees in English and also in languages and literatures other than English.
Source: Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Departments at Four-Year Institutions, Table 19, p. 28 (College Park, MD: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014). Study conducted for the American Ƶ of Arts Sciences’ Humanities Indicators Project.
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