
Since the Great Recession and the subsequent decline in humanities majors, the news media have focused considerable attention on the relationship between the humanities degree and occupational outcomes. In this round of the HDS, the survey inquired about a variety of practices related to preparing students for the workforce, including the career services available to the departments’ students and department-offered activities with a professional or vocational element. The survey also inquired about departments’ career tracking of graduate students.

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* A combined department is one that grants degrees in English and in languages and literatures other than English (LLE).

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 26 in Appendix, Part A, and the 21st table in each subsection of Part B (e.g., Table AH21, Table EN21).

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* Such programs could be, for example, a teacher credentialing program within a history department or a journalism program within an English department. Combined English/LLE, folklore, and history of science are excluded from the figure because reliable estimates could not be generated for these departments.

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 22 in the Appendix, Part A.

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* Percentage is the share of departments at institutions with professional schools. Combined English/LLE, folklore, and history of science are excluded from the figure because reliable estimates could not be generated for these departments.

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 22 in the Appendix, Part A.

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* Given by employers, employees, or alumni. Includes job fairs geared to the interests of the department’s majors.

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 23 in the Appendix, Part A.

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* Given by employers, employees, or alumni. Includes job fairs geared to the interests of the department’s majors.

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 24 in the Appendix, Part A.

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* Given by employers, employees, or alumni. Includes job fairs geared to the interests of the department’s majors.

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 25 in the Appendix, Part A.

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* Folklore was excluded from the figure because reliable estimates could not be generated for this discipline.
** A combined department is one that grants degrees in English and in languages and literatures other than English (LLE).

For the values underlying this figure: See Table 19 in the Appendix, Part A.

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if f.field_survey.value != 1


  • 1Percentages were calculated across only those departments whose institutions have professional schools.