
These findings—and the rest of those included in the report (except for Figure 1B)—are based on samples of departments drawn in three separate years. For disciplines that appeared in the two earlier rounds of the HDS, the presented estimates do not describe all departments that were granting degrees in the 2016–17 school year. For such “repeat disciplines,” the estimates provided in this report are for the population of departments granting degrees in the year the discipline joined the survey, minus any of those departments no longer granting degrees in 2017. The survey was able to detect departments that had ceased to grant degrees between the year the discipline first joined the survey and 2017, but in order to maintain a comparable sampling frame did not include any departments that began granting degrees during that period.

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* For disciplines that were included in previous rounds of the survey, the pictured values represent the departments granting degrees in the year indicated that were still granting degrees in 2017. It does not include any departments that began granting degrees between the two time points.
** A combined department is one that grants degrees in English and in languages and literatures other than English (LLE).

For the values underlying this figure: See Tables 1a and 1b in the Appendix, Part A, and the fourth table in each subsection of Part B (e.g., Table AH4, Table EN4).

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* The count for each year includes institutions that granted at least three degrees in the three-year period including that year and the previous two.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Data System; accessed via the National Science Foundation’s online integrated science and engineering resources data system, NCSES Table Tool (online at ).

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if f.field_survey.value != 1