
A National Priority for the Future of Education

“The Commission believes the future prosperity and well-being of American society depend upon a substantial majority of citizens completing a postsecondary education of quality in the decades ahead. Pursuing this goal implies that, no matter how high the quality of an undergraduate education in the United States, it cannot serve its purpose if it is not financially accessible to all who can benefit.â€

from The Future of Undergraduate Education, The Future of America  (American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts & Sciences)

  • The American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ’s Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education established Controlling Costs and Increasing Affordability as a National Priority and proposes an array of recommendations for colleges, universities, and policy-makers.
  • In the Commission's view "[i]ncreasing the rates at which students succeed in completing their undergraduate programs in a timely way is likely the best antidote to unmanageable student debt" and lowers the cost per graduate because of the greater effectiveness in producing graduates.
  • In an environment of continuing financial constraint, colleges and universities should direct financial assistance to students who need it and lean toward providing aid to students who are most financially vulnerable.
  •  is designed to help students graduate with an associate’s degree within three years and then transfer to a four-year college or enter the work force.
  • According to a rigorous study by , pilot programs in Ohio - including CState Accelerate - more than doubled graduation rates after two years and the annual cost per program participant was $2,331 per year.
  • Each student has an academic coach who helps the student develop a success plan and works with them throughout their time in college.
  • Students must set goals and commit to meeting program requirements. In exchange, students receive financial assistance and incentives to reduce the cost of college attendance. Financial assistance includes:
    • Tuition Assistance
    • Book Vouchers
    • Monthly Financial Incentive ($50.00)
  • Program requirements:
    • Meet with the academic coaching team each month
    • Attend a career services activity once per semester
    • Attend tutoring as required
    • Complete success/graduation related activities
  • Results: Compared with students not enrolled in the program, °ä³§³Ù²¹³Ù±ð A³¦³¦±ð±ô±ð°ù²¹³Ù±ð students enroll full-time and take and complete classes at a higher rate, have a higher semester GPA, and complete Academic Foundation courses faster.