Missile Defense and the Strategic Relationship among the United States, Russia, and China


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Tong Zhao and Dmitry Stefanovich
Promoting Dialogue on Arms Control and Disarmament

Dmitry Stefanovich is a Research Fellow at the Center for International Security at the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO RAS) in Moscow. He is also a member of the PIR Center Expert Council and an expert at the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Valdai Club. In 2019, he was a Visiting Research Fellow in the Arms Control and Emerging Technologies program at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH). His research interests include strategic weapons, long-range precision weapons, hypersonic weapons, space weaponization, disruptive technologies and their impact on international security, and strategic stability, arms control, and regional security. His recent publications include The Shoot Down/Miss the Target Dilemma: The Evolution of Missile Defense and Its Implications for Arms Control (with Alexander Chekov, Oleg Krivolapov, Konstantin Bogdanov, and Vasily Klimov), Valdai Club Report, January 2023; “Remote Monitoring: Verifying Geographical Arms Limits,” with Moritz Kütt and Ulrich Kühn, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 79 (1) (2023): 17–21; and “Global Missile Proliferation: Challenges and Solutions,” with K. V. Bogdanov, Herald of the Russian Ƶ of Sciences 92 (Suppl 4) (2022): S293–S300.      

Tong Zhao is a visiting research scholar at the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University and a Senior Fellow at the Nuclear Policy Program of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Usually based in Beijing, he conducts research on strategic security issues, such as nuclear weapons policy, deterrence, arms control, nonproliferation, missile defense, hypersonic weapons, and China’s security and foreign policy. He is the author of Tides of Change: China’s Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines and Strategic Stability (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2018) and Narrowing the U.S.-China Gap on Missile Defense: How to Help Forestall a Nuclear Arms Race (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2020).