Terminal µþ²¹³¦³ó±ð±ô´Ç°ù’s Degree ±á´Ç±ô»å±ð°ù²õ’ Perception of How Related Their Job Is to Their Degree, by Field of Degree, 2019
Terminal µþ²¹³¦³ó±ð±ô´Ç°ù’s Degree ±á´Ç±ô»å±ð°ù²õ’ Perception of How Related Their Job Is to Their Degree, by Field of Degree, 2019

Though the previous pages have highlighted areas in which humanities graduates tend to be similar to their counterparts in other fields, humanities graduates differ in at least one key way that may reinforce negative perceptions of the field. A wide gap separates humanities majors and graduates from certain professional and STEM fields in their perception of the relationship between their job and their degree. (Graduates from the behavioral/social sciences were more similar to humanities graduates in this regard.) Excluding those with advanced degrees, more than a third of bachelor’s degree holders from the humanities saw no relationship between their degree and their job, as compared to less than 15% of graduates from engineering and the health/medical sciences, and approximately 20% of education and business graduates.29