Satisfaction of Humanities µþ²¹³¦³ó±ð±ô´Ç°ù’s Degree Holders with Aspects of Their Job, by Highest Degree, 2019
Satisfaction of Humanities µþ²¹³¦³ó±ð±ô´Ç°ù’s Degree Holders with Aspects of Their Job, by Highest Degree, 2019

Among those who earned a bachelor’s degree in the humanities, the rates of satisfaction with various aspects of their job tended to be at least somewhat higher among those who had gone on to complete an advanced degree. Humanities majors who had earned an advanced degree (in either the humanities or a nonhumanities field) were appreciably more likely to be satisfied with the contribution their work allowed them to make to society as well as the intellectual challenge of their job.
Advanced degree holders were also modestly more likely to express satisfaction with their opportunities for advancement. A similar difference—though still quite modest—was observed between terminal humanities bachelor’s holders and holders of an advanced degree in the humanities with regard to their level of job responsibility. 28