State of the Humanities 2022: From Graduate Education to the Workforce
Work Activities on Which Terminal Master’s Degree Holders in the Humanities Spend at Least 10% of Their Time, 2019
Work Activities on Which Terminal Master’s Degree Holders in the Humanities Spend at Least 10% of Their Time, 201928

Because the master’s degree can be oriented toward a variety of careers, it is perhaps unsurprising that those who hold the degree reported spending at least 10% of their work week engaging in a wide array of activities. Relative to all master’s degree recipients, those who hold the degree in the humanities were substantially more likely to engage in managing/supervising, teaching, sales/marketing, and human resources activities. They were considerably less likely, however, than master’s degree holders in general to engage in activities related to the design of equipment, processes, structures, and models; computer programming; and production, operations, and maintenance.29