State of the Humanities 2022: From Graduate Education to the Workforce
Reasons for Working Part-Time among Humanities Doctorate Holders Whose Principal Employment is in Academia, 2019
Reasons for Working Part-Time among Humanities Doctorate Holders Whose Principal Employment is in Academia, 2019

Among those working in part-time positions in higher education, the reasons for taking such jobs can be complex and multilayered. In 2019, 44% of humanities doctorate holders whose principal employment was in academia, but who were working fewer than 35 hours per week, were doing so because a full-time job was not available, a somewhat higher percentage than that for all fields combined. At the same time, over a third did not want or need to work more hours, and 23% were at least semi-retired. (Respondents could select all that applied, so the sum of the percentages is more than 100%.)27