Cocirculation and replacement of SARS-CoV-2 variants in crowded settings and marginalized populations along the US-Mexico border

From ResearchGate: This research paper combines data from two studies conducted in Tijuana, Mexico to interrogate the circulating SARS-CoV-2 linÂeages (the viral strain causing the COVID-19 pandemic) and recombinant variants in marginalized populations on the California-Baja California border (migrants in shelters and persons who inject drugs (PWID)).
SARS-CoV-2 variants were identified on nasal swabs specimens and compared to publicly available genomes sampled in Mexico and California. All but 2 of the 10 lineages identified were predomiÂnantly detected in North and Central America. DiscrepanÂcies between migrants and PWID can be explained by the temporal emergence and short time span of most lineages in the region.
The results illustrate the temporospatial structure for SARS-CoV-2 lineage dispersal and the potential co-circulation of multiple lineages in high-risk populations with close social contacts. These conditions create the potential for recombination occurring on the border.