The State of the Humanities: Higher Education 2015

Data Sources

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Humanities Indicators

Estimated Number of Departments in Surveyed Humanities Disciplines, Fall 2007 and Fall 2012

Susan White, Raymond Chu, and Roman Czujko, The 2012–13 Survey of Humanities Depart­ments at Four-Year Institutions (College Park, Md.: Statistical Research Center, American Institute of Physics, 2014), 4, Table 1a.

Percentage of Humanities Departments Ceasing to Grant Degrees at Some Level, by Control of Institution and Discipline, Fall 2007–Fall 2012

Ibid., 32, Table 23.

Degree Completions in the Humanities as a Percentage of All Degree Completions at That Level, 1987–2013

U.S. Department of Education, Integrated Post­secondary Data System (IPEDS), accessed and analyzed via the National Science Foundation’s online data system, WebCASPAR (). For an inventory of the specific degree programs included in the broad disciplinary categories of the humanities accounted for in this Indicator, see .

Humanities Bachelor’s Degrees Earned as “Second Majors,” 2001–2013


Associate’s Degree Completions in Selected Fields as a Percentage of All Associate’s Degree Completions, 1987–2013


Humanities Bachelor’s Degree Completions as a Percentage of All Bachelor’s Degree Completions, by Control of Institution, 1987–2013

Ibid. Institutions have been categorized according to the IPEDS classification of institutional control.

Advanced Placement Exams Taken in Major Fields, 1996–2013

The College Board, “AP Data—Archived Data,” .

Median Number of College Credits Earned in Selected Subjects by 2008 Graduates, by Student Major

U.S. Department of Education, Baccalau­reate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, accessed and analyzed via the National Center for Education Statistics PowerStats tool (http://nces.ed.gov/datalab/).

Median Annual Earnings of Full-Time Workers with Bachelor’s Degrees in Selected Fields, by Highest Degree Earned and Undergraduate Major, 2012

U.S. Census Bureau, 2012 American Com­munity Survey Public-Use Microdata Sample.

Occupations of Humanities Majors, by Highest Degree Earned and Undergraduate Major, 2012


Number of Postsecondary Faculty Teaching in Selected Academic Fields, 1999–2012

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Program, Employment and Wage Estimates (data downloaded from ). For the purposes of the Humanities Indicators, a faculty member is defined as an employee of a two-year or four-year college or a university who teaches credit-earning courses and who may also perform research activities.

Percentage of Humanities Faculty Members Employed Part-Time or Off the Tenure Track, by Discipline, Fall 2012

White, Chu, and Czujko, The 2012–13 Sur­vey of Humanities Departments, 6–8, Tables 2–3.

Percentage of Humanities Departments Engaged with Digital Activities, by Carnegie Classification and Activity Type, Academic Year 2011–2012

Ibid., 26–27, Tables 17–18.

Academic Research and Development Expenditures in Selected Fields, Fiscal Year 2012

National Science Foundation (NSF), National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Research and Development Expenditures at Universities and Colleges/Higher Education Research and Devel­opment Survey (data were accessed and analyzed using NSF’s online data analysis tool, WebCASPAR, at ).

Sources of Funding for Academic Research and Development in Selected Fields, Fiscal Year 2012


New North American Academic Books in Humanities Subjects, 2009–2012

Developed from a compilation by Stephen Bosch (University of Arizona) of data provided by Ingram Content Group (Coutts Information Services) and YBP Library Services.