Estimated Value and Share of All Foundation Giving for Humanities Activities, 2002–2012

Private funding for the humanities takes myriad forms, but foundations are a substantial source of support for humanities activities in the United States. Data from the Foundation Center suggest this was another area of funding contraction for the humanities. After increasing 43% from 2002 to 2007 (from approximately $354 million to $508 million), foundation funding for the humanities fell 18% (to $416 million) in preliminary estimates for 2012. From 2002 to 2007, the amount in grants distributed by foundations for humanities activities increased more rapidly than the total amount of grantmaking. Thus, foundation funding for the humanities increased as a share of all giving by such organizations (rising from 1.8% to 2.1%). By 2012, however, the proportion of foundation grant monies going to the humanities had returned to near its 2002 level.