The State of the Humanities: Funding 2014
Percentage Change Fiscal Years 2008–2013 in State Funding for Higher Education, by State (Adjusted for Inflation)

The median state investment in higher education was approximately $237 per capita in 2013, down from $276 in 2008. Forty-six of the 50 states reduced support for higher education from 2008 to 2013. Four states (Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, and New Hampshire) cut their allocations to higher education by a third or more over that five-year span. The state median was a 17.2% reduction. Only four states increased their allocations from 2008 to 2013: Illinois (11.0%), Alaska (12.2%), Wyoming (21.3%), and North Dakota (24.2%). (These states also had some of the highest per capita spending levels for 2013.)