The United States and its scientists played key roles in all of the major scientific advancements described in this report. This was made possible by continuing substantial U.S. engagement with the international scientific community and financial investment in large-scale science. Although major advancements can be made on a national level, international engagement will be imperative for much of the future of large-scale science. If the United States does not continue to collaborate and fund large-scale science, tomorrow’s scientific cutting edge will move forward without American leadership and participation. Not only will our nation no longer be at the forefront of scientific research, but we will also lose the enormous economic and social benefits generated by the innovation and technology based on scientific discoveries that are developed to pursue research questions.
Recognizing both the importance and the complexity of international large-scale science means we must be realistic when considering such partnerships. When engaging in international large-scale science, it is imperative for the United States to prioritize scientific excellence, properly scope projects, do everything it can to meet its commitments, and promote ethical collaborations with strong values across cultures. The principles identified in this report provide mechanisms by which the United States can more effectively and beneficially participate in these partnerships.

Radio telescope antennas at the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) at the Chajnantor Plateau, Chile. Photo by Ronald Patrick/Getty Images.