State of the Humanities 2021: Workforce & Beyond

Satisfaction of College Graduates with Monetary Aspects of Their Job, by Field of µþ²¹³¦³ó±ð±ô´Ç°ù’s Degree, 2019

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Humanities Indicators

Satisfaction of College Graduates with Monetary Aspects of Their Job, by Field of µþ²¹³¦³ó±ð±ô´Ç°ù’s Degree, 2019

Despite disparities among fields in graduates’ median earnings, when college graduates were asked about their satisfaction with various financial aspects of their job, humanities majors’ responses were similar to those of college graduates in general. The figure above highlights a few of the fields to which the humanities is often compared.

On salary, 74% of humanities graduates expressed satisfaction, a slightly smaller share than among college graduates generally (78%) but almost 11 percentage points smaller than for engineering graduates. Graduates from education, engineering, and health/medical sciences were somewhat more likely to express satisfaction about their opportunities for advancement than humanities majors. The share of humanities graduates expressing satisfaction with job security was very similar to the shares in the other fields examined here.18


  • 18National Survey of College Graduates, 2019. Information for the other fields can be found on the report website.