College Ұܲٱ’ Financial Satisfaction, by Field of ǰ’s Degree, 2019
College Ұܲٱ’ Financial Satisfaction, by Field of ǰ’s Degree, 2019

With the exception of engineering on the high side and the arts on the low side, from 46% to 55% of each field’s graduates agreed they had “enough money to do everything I want to do.” Conversely, from 31% to 41% of the graduates from those “typical” fields reported they had worried about money in the past seven days.
Graduates from the humanities, arts, and behavioral/social sciences were similar in that less than half of graduates felt they had enough money, while slightly more than 40% had worried about money. Curiously, however, a majority of education graduates felt they had enough money—a share similar to that of several higher-earning fields—even though graduates from the field had the lowest median earnings.15