
Fundamentalisms Observed

Martin Emil Marty and Robert Scott Appleby
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University of Chicago Press
Fundamentalisms Observed (vol. 1 of series) Book Cover Fundamentalisms Observed

Edited by
Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991)

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Fundamentalism Project: A User's Guide

North American Protestant Fundamentalism
Nancy T. Ammerman

Roman Catholic Traditionalism and Activist Conservatism in the United States
William D. Dinges and James Hitchcock

Protestant Fundamentalism in Latin America
Pablo A. Deiros

Religious Fundamentalism and Religious Jews: The Case of the Haredim
Samuel C. Heilman and Menachem Friedman

Jewish Zionist Fundamentalism: The Bloc of the Faid-iful in Israel (Gush Ernunim)
Gideon Aran

Fundamentalism in the Sunni Arab World: Egypt and the Sudan
John 0. Voll

Activist Shi'ism in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon
Abdulaziz A. Sacbedina

Islamic Fundamentalism in South Asia: The Jamaat-i-Islami and the Tablighi Jamaat
Mumtaz Ahmad

Organized Hinduisms: From Vedic Truth to Hindu Nation
Daniel Gold

The Double-Edged Sword: Fundamentalism and the Sikh Religious Tradition
T N. Madan

Fundamentalistic Movements in Theravada Buddhism
Donald K. Swearer

Islamic Resurgence in Malaysia and Indonesia
Manning Nash

The Search for Roots in Industrial East Asia: The Case of the Confucian Revival
Tu Wei-ming

Fundamentalism in Japan: Religious and Political
Winston Davis

Conclusion: An Interim Report on a Hypothetical Family
Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby