Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education

Edited by
Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993)
Table of Contents
Introduction: A Sacred Cosmos, Scandalous Code, Defiant Society
Martin E. Many and R. Scott Appleby
Part 1: Worldviews, Science, and Technology
Religious Fundamentalism and the Sciences
Everett Mendelsohn
The Creationist Cosmos of Protestant Fundamentalism
James Moore
The Worldview of Sunni Arab Fundamentalists:
Attitudes toward Modern Science and Technology
Bassam Tibi
Islam and Modernity: The Reconstruction of an
Alternative Shi'ite Islamic Worldview in Iran
Farhang Rajaee
Part 2: Family and Interpersonal Relationships
The Impact of Fundamentalisms on Women,
the Family, and Interpersonal Relations
Helen Hardacre
Reshaping Personal Relations in Egypt
Andrea B. Rugh
Obedience versus Autonomy: Women and Fundamentalism in Iran and Pakistan
Shabla Haeri
Building "Fundamentalism" from the Family in Latin America
Jorge E. Malknadv
Plural Marriage and Mormon Fundamentalism
D. Michael Quinn
The New Religions, Family, and Society in Japan
Helen Hardacre
Part 3 Education and Media
Fundamentalist Impact on Education and the Media: An Overview
Majid Yebranian
Islamic Fundamentalism in Iran and the Discourse of Development
Majid Tebranian
Jewish Fundamentalism in Israeli Education
Michael Rosenak
The Evangelical Awakening in Guatemala: Fundamentalist Impact on Education and Media
Susan Rose and Quenttn Schultze
Christian Fundamentalism and Education in the United States
Susan Rose
The Two Faces of Fundamentalist Higher Education
Quentin Schultze
Hindu Revivalism and Education in Northcentral India
Krisbna Kumar
Fundamentalism and the World of the 1990s
William H. McNeill