Forging Climate Solutions


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Commission on Accelerating Climate Action

When we began this Commission in 2020, the thirty-one of us held different ideas about climate action and used different terms to articulate these visions. Three years later, diversity and disagreement across our Commission remain. What has transformed instead is our understanding of how important each Commission member’s sectors and communities are to advancing action on the climate crisis. Through our dialogue, we have found shared values underneath our different terms and approaches. Other times, we remain in disagreement, but recognize the necessity of varied approaches to accelerating progress.

For our world to have both the capacity and the will to engage with the problems ahead, society must experience this same transformation of perspective.

Forging Climate Solutions offers a vision for this future, a future when disparate groups recognize the urgency of climate change and work to speed up decarbonization and resilience-building despite ideological differences. If these actions center justice, are rooted in effective communication, unleash investments, and take a balanced approach to mitigation and adaptation, we open a path to dramatically accelerating climate solutions.

The country and the world must act now. Some of the actions detailed in this report can—and must—be accomplished in the next five years. Other endeavors will require time to achieve fruition, but it is imperative that the underlying research and planning begin now. And while we must act with speed and efficiency, we cannot ignore the needs of frontline communities. The work we do to solve the climate crisis must increase equity, not perpetuate or intensify existing harm.

Climate action must not exist in a bubble. To anchor larger societal change, it must be integrated into the myriad other priorities of the nation, such as reducing energy costs, improving health outcomes, and ensuring national security. Only by collectively advancing these interrelated goals can climate shift from an isolated issue promoted by environmental policy-makers to a core priority built into the fabric of American society.

Thankfully, the United States is primed for climate action. This report is published at a time of intense legislative and executive action, demonstrated involvement by corporations, and genuine interest from the broader public. Forging Climate Solutions also appears in the context of increasingly visible and harmful effects of climate change, further underscoring the need for sustained and unified action. We must seize this opportunity, as waiting will only make the challenges and changes required greater.

With concerted effort, there is hope for our future. We see motivation for accelerated climate action, creating decisive reductions in emissions and improved preparations across the country to deal with the physical effects of climate change. The necessary actions are highly dispersed across society and the political system. Each must do its part, guided by a common vision for how these efforts are pragmatic, just, and accountable. Only together can we hope to effectively confront the challenges posed by climate change and foster a future that safeguards the well-being of future generations in the United States and beyond.

Eighteen people in business attire engage in discussion around a circular conference table. Eight people attend the meeting virtually, visible on a monitor behind the table.
Members of the Commission on Accelerating Climate Action meet at the Knight Foundation in Miami, Florida, in 2023. Photo by Angel Valentín.