Beyond Technology: Strengthening Energy Policy through Social Science

Appendix A: Workshop Agenda

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The Alternative Energy Future

Workshop on Social Science and the Alternative Energy Future

May 19–20, 2011
The George Washington University
Washington, D.C.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The George Washington University Marvin Center, 3rd Floor
800 21st Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

Continental Ballroom—3rd Floor

Opening Session
8:30 am–8:35 am Welcome: Steven Knapp, President, The George Washington University
8:35 am–8:40 am Introductory Remarks: Leslie Berlowitz, President, American ÇďżűĘÓƵof Arts and Sciences 
8:40 am–9:10 am Keynote Address: Steven E. Koonin, Under Secretary for Science,
U.S. Department of Energy
9:10 am–9:20 am Workshop Overview: Robert Fri, Workshop Chair; Visiting Scholar, Resources for the Future

Room 307—3rd Floor

Session A: Behavior and decision making related to energy efficiency

How individuals and communities respond to technological changes in the energy system is crucial to the success of energy policy. This session will examine several critical questions pertaining to how individuals and households make decisions about using energy. For example, what household incentives are likely to be most effective in influencing energy-related decisions? How can policy makers anticipate and address resistance to change?

9:30 am–10:20 am Panel discussion
Thomas Dietz, Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science and Policy, and Assistant Vice President for Environmental Research, Michigan State University
Paul Stern, Study Director, National Research Council
Charlie Wilson, Lecturer, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
Marsha Walton, Senior Project Manager, NYSERDA
10:20 am–10:45 am Q&A

Session B: Public acceptance of new energy technology

This session will address the challenges related to acceptance of new energy technologies that introduce new factors into collective decision making, both within communities and among institutions. Industry, academic, and public policy perspectives will highlight the complexities of the social dimensions of adopting new energy technology solutions, with attention to issues of privacy, equity, and individual rights.

10:55 am–11:55 am Panel discussion
Chair: Douglas Arent, Executive Director, Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Juliana Birkhoff, Vice President of Programs and Practice, RESOLVE
Jeanne Fox, Commissioner, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Jennifer Layke, Director, Institute for Building Efficiency, Johnson Controls Inc.
Eugene Rosa, Professor of Sociology, Washington State University
11:55 am–12:20 pm Q&A

Continental Ballroom—3rd Floor

12:30 pm–1:50 pm Lunch
1:15 pm-1:35 pm Keynote Address on Social Science and Energy
Myron Gutmann, Assistant Director for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation
1:35 pm–1:50 pm Q&A

Room 307—3rd Floor

Session C: Incorporating behavior in policy analytic tools

This panel will build on the previous two discussions to examine how individual and institutional attitudes and behavior could be more effectively integrated into available tools for developing policy, with special attention to how energy-economic modeling could incorporate actual behavior patterns.

2:00 pm–2:50 pm Panel discussion
James Sweeney, Professor of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University


Alan Krupnick, Research Director, Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Energy Economics and Policy, Resources for the Future
John A. “Skip” Laitner, Director of Economic and Social Analysis, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Holmes Hummel, Senior Policy Advisor for Policy and International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy
2:50 am–3:15 pm Q&A
3:15 pm–3:30 pm Break

Session D: Policy durability and adaptability

This session will examine the extent to which policy durability and adaptability will be necessary to achieve an alternative energy future. Government officials and experts will discuss the tension between the provision of consistent and long-term signals and the need to make policy responsive to new information. They will also explore the complications that stem from relying on quick fixes for enduring energy problems.

3:30 pm–4:20 pm Panel discussion
Kelly Sims Gallagher, Associate Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy, Tufts University
Kevin Carroll, Chief of the Energy Branch, Office of Management and Budget
Margo T. Oge, Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Phil Sharp, President, Resources for the Future
4:20 pm–4:45 pm Q&A
Closing Remarks
4:50 pm–5:05 pm Speaker: Nicholas Donofrio, Senior Fellow, Kauffman Foundation; former Executive Vice President of Innovation and Technology, IBM
5:05 pm–5:25 pm Q&A
5:25 pm–5:30 pm Closing remarks: Robert W. Fri, Workshop Chair; Visiting Scholar, Resources for the Future
5:30 pm Adjourn for the day

Friday, May 20, 2011

The George Washington University Marvin Center, 4th Floor
800 21st Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

Room 413—4th Floor

9:00 am–9:10 am Opening remarks: Robert W. Fri, Workshop Chair; Visiting Scholar, Resources for the Future

Session E: Federalism

This panel will address questions of how federalism relates to energy policy. Key issues include legal and political obstacles to the effective implementation of energy policy; the division of responsibility between the federal government, states, and localities; and possible alterations to the allocation of power among these levels of government that would facilitate the transition to an alternative energy future.

9:10 am–10:00 am Panel discussion
Ann Carlson, Professor of Law, University of California, Los Angeles
Marilyn Brown, Professor of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Barry Rabe, Professor of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Paul Centolella, Commissioner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
10:00 am–10:25 am Q&A

Session F: How do regulations need to change?

Changing the energy system will require new regulations as well as alterations to existing policies that inhibit this response. For example, implementation of carbon capture and storage technologies will require a regulatory regime that does not yet exist. In addition, a variety of existing tax policies must be modified so as not to discourage investments in alternative energy technologies and energy efficiency. This panel will examine how energy regulations could be altered to promote the spread of new technologies.

10:30 am–11:20 am Panel discussion
Granger Morgan, Professor and Head, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
Edward A. (Ted) Parson, Professor of Law and Professor of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan
Robert R. Nordhaus, Member, Van Ness Feldman
Jonathan Cannon, Professor of Environmental Law, University of Virginia
11:20 am–11:45 am Q&A

Room 403—4th Floor
12:00 pm–1:00 pm Lunch
Breakout groups—Rooms 409, 411, 414
Breakout group assignments to be distributed at lunch
1:00 pm–2:15 pm Breakout groups: Identifying key opportunities for research
Discussion Leaders:
Maxine Savitz, General Manager for Technology Partnerships, Honeywell, Inc. (ret.)
Paul Stern, Senior Program Officer, National Research Council
Michael Vandenbergh, Professor of Law, Vanderbilt University
Room 403—4th Floor
2:20 pm–3:00 pm Reports from breakout groups and general discussion
3:00 pm Meeting adjourns