Beyond Technology: Strengthening Energy Policy through Social Science

Appendix C: Participant List

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The Alternative Energy Future

Workshop on Social Science and the Alternative Energy Future

May 19–20, 2011
The George Washington University
Washington, D.C.

Kathleen Alexander
U.S. Department of Energy

Douglas Arent
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Ruth Greenspan Bell
World Resources Institute

Leslie Berlowitz
American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Juliana Birkhoff

Linda Blevins
U.S. Department of Energy

Marilyn Brown
Georgia Institute of Technology

Jonathan Cannon
University of Virginia

Ann Carlson
University of California, Los Angeles

Kevin Carroll
Office of Management and Budget

Paul Centolella
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio

Thomas Dietz
Michigan State University

Nicholas Donofrio
IBM (ret.); Kauffman Foundation

Kimberly Durniak
American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Alison Fox
Ƶ; Fox Strategic Group

Jeanne Fox
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

Robert Fri
Resources for the Future

Kelly Sims Gallagher
Tufts University

Myron Gutmann
National Science Foundation

Adam Henry
West Virginia University

Holmes Hummel
U.S. Department of Energy

Roger Kasperson
Clark University

Christopher King
House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

Steven E. Koonin
U.S. Department of Energy

Alan Krupnick
Resources for the Future

Alison La Bonte
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

John “Skip” Laitner
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

Jennifer Layke
Johnson Controls Inc.

Carol Lenox
Environmental Protection Agency

Jane Long
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Robert Marlay
U.S. Department of Energy

Christa McDermott
U.S. Department of Energy

Granger Morgan
Carnegie Mellon University

Elisabeth Moyer
University of Chicago

Robert Nordhaus
Van Ness Feldman

Robert O’Connor
National Science Foundation

Margo Oge
Environmental Protection Agency

Edward A. Parson
University of Michigan

Tod Perry
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Barry Rabe
University of Michigan

Bonnie Ram
Ram Power, LLC

John Randell
American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Eugene Rosa
Washington State University

Maxine Savitz
Honeywell, Inc. (ret.)

Maura Shannon
American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Philip R. Sharp
Resources for the Future

Rachael Shwom
Rutgers University

Adele Simmons
Chicago Metropolis 2020

Tobin L. Smith
Association of American Universities

Paul C. Stern
National Research Council

James Sweeney
Stanford University

Rita Teutonico
National Science Foundation

Michael Vandenbergh
Vanderbilt University

Marsha Walton

Charlie Wilson
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

Jetta Wong
House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology