
ARISE: Advancing Research In Science and Engineering: Investing in Early-Career Scientists and High-Risk, High-Reward Research


The ARISE report addressed two issues central to the vitality of America's research enterprise: 1) the support of early-career investigators; and 2) the encouragement of high-risk, high-reward research. Such support and encouragement can foster a new generation of scientists and stimulate the daring investigations that will generate competitive advantage in a global economy.

With valuable input from leaders of the key federal science and technology research agencies, members of Congress and their staffs, academic leaders, and young faculty, the project committee analyzed current science funding policies in order to find ways to strengthen the impact of federal research dollars. The project's report offered fresh policy recommendations for government, university, and foundation leaders.

ARISE Check List for Action



Program Chair
ARISE Study Committee

David Baltimore

California Institute of Technology
Robert Andrews Millikan Professor of Biology; President Emeritus
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Steven Chu

Stanford University
William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Humanities and Sciences
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Thomas Eugene Everhart

California Institute of Technology
President Emeritus, Senior Trustee
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Richard B. Freeman

Harvard University
Herbert S. Ascherman Professor of Economics
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Susan Lois Graham

University of California, Berkeley
Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Emerita
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

David Goldston

House Science Committee (former Staff Director)

Linda P.B. Katehi

Texas A&M University
Chancellor; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Women and Gender Studies
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Peter S. Kim

Stanford School of Medicine
Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Professor of Biochemistry at Stanford University
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Neal Francis Lane

Rice University
Malcolm Gillis University Professor Emeritus and Professor of Physics and Astronomy Emeritus
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

C. Dan Mote

University of Maryland
Regents Professor & Glenn L. Martin Institute Professor of Engineering and Former President
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Daphne Preuss

University of Chicago; Chromatin, Inc.

David Domingo Sabatini

NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Frederick L. Ehrman Professor of Cell Biology and Chairperson, Dept. of Cell Biology
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Randy W Schekman

Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Distinguished Professor
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Richard H. Scheller

Chief Science Officer, Head Therapeutics Group
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Albert Teich

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Mark Stephen Wrighton

George Washington University
Professor and Chancellor Emeritus
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member

Keith Robert Yamamoto

University of California, San Francisco
Vice Chancellor for Research; Executive Vice Dean of the School of Medicine and Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Member


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The recommendations from the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ’s 2008 report ARISE—Advancing Research In Science and Engineering were incorporated into the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as well as the federal budgets for FY2010 and FY2011. The Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health have all increased support for early-career researchers and potentially transformative research, as recommended by ARISE.

Statements of Support for ARISE

Media Coverage