William H. Chafe
Professor William Chafe is the Alice Mary Baldwin Professor of History at Duke University. In addition, he is a past president of the Organization of American Historians and was the Dean of Arts and Sciences/Vice-Provost for 9 years at Duke. Some other held positions at Duke University include co-director of the Duke Oral History Program, and its Center for the Study of Civil Rights and Race Relations, founder of Duke-UNC Center for Research on Women, and founder of the Center for Documentary Studies. Chafe is a leading historian in women's history and civil rights in twentieth-century America. His research on the sit-in movement in North Carolina has led to the reorientation of studies on civil rights toward social and community history. Some works include "Civilities and Civil Rights: Greensboro, North Carolina, and the Black Struggle for Freedom" (Robert F. Kennedy Book Award), "The Paradox of Change: American Women in the 20th Century", "Never Stop Running" (Sidney Hillman Book Award), "Private Lives/Public Consequences: Personality and Politics in Modern America", "Remembering Jim Crow" (Lillian Smith Book Award), "The Unfinished Journey: American Since World War II", "The Rise and Fall of the American Century: The United States from 1890 to 2008", and "Bill and Hillary: The Politics of the Personal".