The Honorable
Ronald Marc George
Supreme Court of California
Lawyer; Jurist
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Ronald M. George served as Chief Justice of California from 1996 to 2011, when he retired from office. George reshaped California's legal landscape through sweeping changes he helped bring to the state's courts during his tenure as chief justice. He served on the California bench for 38 years by appointment of four governors from both major political parties, joining the Los Angeles Municipal Court in 1972, the Superior Court in 1977, the Court of Appeal in 1987, and the Supreme Court in 1991 as an associate justice and in 1996 as chief justice. He served as President of the Conference of Chief Justices and Chair of the National Center for State Courts in 2003-2004, and as a member of the steering committee of the Georgetown University Law Center's Sandra Day O'Connor Project on the State of the Judiciary.
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