Rachel C. Hadas
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Writer (poet); Language and literary scholar; Educator
Humanities and Arts
My poetry continues to draw upon a range of literary sources as well as my personal life. My latest two poetry collections, "The Golden Road" (2012) and "Questions in the Vestibule" (April 2016), chiefly map and reflect upon stages of that life: grief and loss in "Golden Road" and a liminal, dreamy space opening out into an intense new love in "Vestibule." I continue to write essays which fuse the personal with the literary; some of these are collected in "Talking to the Dead" (Spuyten Duyvil Press 2015). I'm at work on verse translations of Euripides' two Iphigenia plays; I continue to enjoy teaching courses like Mythology in Literature, Children's Literature, and Literature and Medicine (this last partly inspired by my late husband's long illness, which I chronicle in "Strange Relation: A Memoir of Marriage, Dementia, and Poetry," Paul Dry Books 2011). And with my husband, artist Shalom Gorewitz, I've been exploring the marriage of poetry and video, mythology and film.
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