Paul D. Guyer
Brown University
Philosopher; Historian; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Research centers on the history of modern philosophy, especially Kant, and the history of aesthetics. He has published more than thirty books, on Kant's aesthetics, on his theory of knowledge, on his moral and political philosophy, and has co-authored new translations of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of the Power of Judgement. His recent books include "A History of Modern Aesthetics" (3 vols, 2014), "Virtues of Freedom" (2016), "Kant on the Rationality of Morality" (2019), "Reason and Experience in Mendelssohn and Kant" (2020), "A Philosopher Looks at Architecture" (2021), "Idealism in Modern Philosophy" (2023), and "Kant's Impact on Moral Philosophy" (2024). Current plans include two volumes of selected papers, from more than three hundred articles on philosophers and aestheticians from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries that he has published, and a monograph on the background to Kant's philosophy of right (political philosophy) in seventeenth and eighteenth-century natural law theory. Paul Guyer became emeritus from Brown University in 2023.
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