Osvaldo E. Sala
Osvaldo Sala is the Julie A. Wrigley and Regents' Professor at Arizona State University, where he contributes to both the School of Life Sciences and School of Sustainability. He came to ASU in 2010 from Brown University where he was the founding Director of the Environmental Change Initiative and the Sloan Lindemann Professor of Biology. Sala has explored several topics throughout his career from the response of arid ecosystems to climate and land-use change to global biodiversity scenarios for the next 50 years. Osvaldo Sala served in numerous international institutions and in different capacities from the Scientific Committee of Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), where he was the president, to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Sala has served as member of the Advisory Board to the Director of the National Science Foundation in issues of environmental research and education, editor of Global Change Biology and President of the Ecological Society of America.