Nikki Ragozin Keddie
Nikki Keddie is professor emerita of history at UCLA, where she was also a member of UCLA's International Institute and Center for Near Eastern Studies. She is a past president of the Middle East Studies Association (1980-81). Keddie founded and edited the journal CONTENTION: DEBATES IN SOCIETY, CULTURE AND SCIENCE (1991-96). She is an expert on Iranian and Middle Eastern history, women's history, and comparative and world history. Her recent books and article focus on comparative secularism and fundamentalism worldwide, including Women in the Middle East: Past and Present (2007), Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution (2003), and Qajar Iran and the Rise of Reza Khan (1999). Keddie has received the 2001 mentoring award of the Middle East Studies Association, the 2001 award for scholarly distinction from the American Historical Association, the 2002 Persian history award from the Encyclopedia Iranica Foundation, and the 2004 Balzan Prize.