The Honorable
Nelson Strobridge Talbott
Brookings Institution
Journalist; Government official (appointed); Research institution administrator
Leadership, Policy, and Communications
Public Affairs and Public Policy
Strobe Talbott assumed the presidency of the Brookings Institution in July 2002 after a career in journalism, government and academe. His immediate previous post was founding director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. He served in the State Department from 1993 to 2001, after 21 years with Time Magazine. His 12th book, Fast Forward, Ethics and Politics in the Age of Global Warming, which he co-authored with William Antholis, was released in summer 2011. His 11th book, The Great Experiment: The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern States, and the Quest for a Global Nation, which was published in January 2008, combines historical and political analysis with personal reflection on efforts to forge a peaceful community of nations.
Mr. Talbott has been a fellow of the Yale Corporation, a trustee of the Hotchkiss School, and a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, the North American Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, and the American Association of Rhodes Scholars. He is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group.
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