Michael Greenstone
Researches estimated costs and benefits of environmental quality and society’s energy choices. Examined impact of the Clean Air Act on air quality, manufacturing activity, housing prices, and human health to assess costs and benefits. Currently engaged in large‐scale projects to estimate the economic costs of climate change and to identify efficient approaches to mitigating them.
Research is increasingly focused on developing countries. This work includes estimating the economic and health impacts of indoor air pollution in India and the impact of air pollution on life expectancies in China. Also engaged in projects with the Government of India and four Indian state governments that use randomized control trials to test innovative ways to improve the functioning of environmental regulations and increase energy access
Served as chief economist of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers. Current positions include heading the JPAL Environment and Energy Program and co‐Director of the International Growth Centre’s Energy Research Programme. Currently serve on the Secretary of Energy’s Advisory Board and the Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy (STEP) at the National Academies of Sciences.