Linda Rudolph
Linda Rudolph, MD, MPH, is a nationally recognized thought leader on the integration of health and health equity into climate policy. She serves as Senior Advisor on Climate, Health and Equity for the Public Health Institute and for the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, and provides consultation to local jurisdictions and non-profits.
Previously, Linda served as the deputy director for Chronic Disease Prevention and Public Health in the California Department of Public Health, and the health officer and public health director for the City of Berkeley, CA. While at CDPH, Rudolph served as founding chair of the California Strategic Growth Council’s Health in All Policies Task Force and the California Climate Action Team’s Public Health Work Group. She has also served as chief medical officer for Medi-Cal Managed Care, medical director for the California Division of Workers’ Compensation, and a physician for the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers’ International Union. Rudolph received her MD from the University of California, San Francisco, and MPH (Epidemiology) from UC Berkeley. She is board certified in Occupational Medicine.