Kaira Esgate
Kaira Esgate serves as CEO of America’s Service Commissions (ASC), the national association for the 52 governor-appointed state and territorial service commissions. ASC represents and promotes as well as builds the capacity of service commissions around the country. Prior to her current position, Kaira served as the executive director of Reimagining Service, a national multisector coalition dedicated to converting good intentions into greater impact through effective volunteer engagement strategies. With Reimagining Service, Kaira led efforts to bring new data and insights to volunteering and developed the nationally-recognized nonprofit service enterprise model. During her tenure with CaliforniaVolunteers, the state service commission in California, Kaira served in a variety of roles, including overseeing the agency’s program development and grantmaking activities, leading planning efforts with the service and volunteering field in the state, developing advocacy strategies at the federal and state levels, and serving as Chief of Staff to the nation's first Cabinet-level Secretary of Service and Volunteering. Kaira is an honors graduate of the University of Oregon and currently serves on the University of Oregon Alumni Association Board of Directors.