Justice Nonvignon
Dr. Justice Nonvignon is the Acting Head of the Health Economics Programme at the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), and an Associate Professor of Health Economics at the School of Public Health, University of Ghana, Legon. He teaches health economics, health systems leadership and evaluation, and health policy, and supervises undergraduate and graduate students of the School of Public Health, University of Ghana and other universities.
He has served as principal or co-investigator of research funded by WHO/TDR, WHO African Regional Office, GSK Vaccines, African Population and Health Research Centre, DANIDA, NWO/WOTRO, African Economic Research Consortium, African Health Economics and Policy Association in countries including Ghana, Botwsana, Malawi and Nigeria and other multi-country projects. He has been involved in research projects. He has consulted for PATH, the World Bank, WHO, UNICEF, DFID, USAID’s MSH and other National agencies in Ghana. Justice was health economist on a large multidisciplinary WHO-funded home management of fevers project which he used to complete his PhD thesis – cost-effectiveness of home management of fevers in Ghanaian children.
Prof. Nonvignon is a former Chair of the Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet-Health (a global network of academic institutions with significant experience in teaching and research in monitoring and evaluation), co-Chair of Ministry of Health Ghana's Health Technology Assessment Technical Working Group, Vice Chair of Health Economics Unit Technical Advisory Group of Africa Centres of Disease Control and Prevention, and member of Health Economics, Systems and Policy Research Network (HESPRG), University of Ghana.
He is formerly an Adjunct Assistant Research Professor of New York University’s College of Global Public Health, Honorary Senior Research Fellow of University of Strathclyde, Scotland, Adjunct Faculty of Public Health Foundation of India, and member of International Health Economics Association (serves on Professional Development sub-committee and scientific review committee), Health Technology Assessment International, African Health Economics & Policy Association, African Economic Research Consortium Research Network. Justice was a Coimbra Young African Scholar at Aarhus University, Denmark in 2014, and past PhD and postdoctoral fellow of the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship program (a collaborative program of Nairobi-based African Population and Health Research Centre and International Development Research Centre). Dr. Nonvignon has published dozens of articles in peer-reviewed journals, reviewed manuscripts for several peer-review journals, and is currently Associate Editor of BMC Health Services Research.