Dr. Ulana Suprun
Dr. Ulana Suprun served as the acting Minister of Health in Ukraine from 2016-2019. She successfully led the effort to reform and modernize Ukraine’s healthcare system, culminating in passage of key reform legislation in October 2017, which created a single payer system with a budgetary funded national health insurance. The new philosophy of Ukraine’s healthcare system, “money follows the patient,” was implemented through the creation of the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) providing universal healthcare coverage and raising the quality of care to meet international standards. She oversaw the creation of a National Public Health Center and its local affiliates which provide public health services, monitoring, and implementing public health policy. After leaving the ministry, Dr. Suprun founded the NGO ArcUA, which publishes books and an online journal in both Ukrainian and English languages. Dr. Suprun was born in Detroit, Michigan, USA to Ukrainian immigrants. She is a Board Certified Radiologist who worked in both private and academic settings. Dr. Suprun and her husband currently live in Kyiv, Ukraine and are engaged in defending Ukraine in Russia’s unjust war against the Ukrainian people.