David E. Price
David Price represents North Carolina’s Fourth District: a rapidly growing, research-and-education-focused district that includes all of Orange County, the majority of Wake County, and the southern part of Durham County. He received his undergraduate degree at UNC-Chapel Hill and went on to Yale University to earn a Bachelor of Divinity as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science. Before he began serving in Congress in 1987, Rep. Price was a professor of political science and public policy at Duke University. He is the author of four books on Congress and the American political system.
Congressman Price is North Carolina’s only member of the House Appropriations Committee and serves as the Chairman of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee. He also serves on the Subcommittee on Homeland Security and the Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs. He also serves on the House Budget Committee. In addition to his leadership on the Appropriations Committee and the House Democracy Partnership, he serves as a Vice Chair on the House Democracy Reform Task Force, a Vice Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, and a co-chair of the Democratic Policy Group. Price also co-chairs the Democratic Caucus Faith Working Group, the National Service Caucus, the Congressional Vision Caucus, the Congressional Humanities Caucus, and the Moldova Caucus.
Price has received numerous awards and honors for his work as a legislator. He has been named a Lifetime Champion by the North Carolina Justice Center, a Champion of Science by the Science Coalition, a Distinguished Community Health Champion by the National Association of Community Health Centers, and a Legislator of the Year by the Sierra Club of North Carolina, the North Carolina Low-Income Housing Coalition, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and other organizations. He is a recipient of the Hubert H. Humphrey Award from the American Political Science Association, the Edward M. Kennedy National Service Lifetime Achievement Award from the Friends of National Service, the Commodore Ellsworth P. Bertholf Award from the United States Coast Guard, the Good Government Award from Common Cause of North Carolina, and the Equality Award from the Human Rights Campaign, among others.