Dave Smith
Dave is the CEO of X Sector Labs, a consultancy that advises cross sector executives to address challenges at the intersection of business, government, and nonprofit. Most recently, he led Governor Newsom’s #CaliforniansForAll initiative - mobilizing hundreds of thousands of volunteers and full-time service members to meet critical needs from administering COVID vaccines to taking climate action to keeping food banks open, serving over 1 billion meals during the pandemic.
His clients have also included the World Economic Forum, Accelerator for America, Points of Light, NationSwell, Partnership for Public Service, California Forward, and Hilinski’s Hope on issues including national and community service, economic development, corporate citizenship, mental health innovation, and leveraging networks for impact. Dave has also advised and served on boards for the Bipartisan Policy Center, Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, The Corps Network, Common Cause, Concord Coalition, Davenport Institute, Independent Sector, Peter G. Peterson Foundation, and the United Way of the Bay Area.
Dave is a graduate of UC Berkeley, and former chief executive of Mobilize.org, the Presidio Institute, and the National Conference on Citizenship. He now lives with his wife Maya and two children in Lafayette, California, where he serves on the School Board.