
Caroline Astrid Bruzelius

Duke University
Historian (art and architecture); Medievalist; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Visual Arts
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina ~Anne M. Cogan Professor of Art History. Leading scholar of medieval architecture, urbanism, and sculpture in France and Italy as well as innovator in digital humanities. Published widely on architecture in France and Italy, including books and articles on the Abbey of St. Denis and the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. One of the first scholars to study the effect of the strict enclosure of nuns on their access to the sacred. Work on the Gothic architecture of Naples has reframed our understanding of the impact of the thirteenth-century French invasion on the built and urban environment of Southern Italy, laying the groundwork for the study of noble patronage throughout the Kingdom of Sicily. Book on the architecture and urban impact of the Franciscans and Dominicans is forthcoming in 2013. Developed an image database of Grand Tour drawings and paintings for the study of cities and monuments in the medieval Kingdom of Sicily (c. 1000-1400). Mapping and modeling project Visualizing Venice, developed with the Architectural University of Venice and the University of Padua, brings together environmental scientists, economists, and social historians to show how a city comes to be by modeling the growth and change of Venice over time. With Duke colleagues in art history, visual arts, visual studies, and engineering, implemented a new digital teaching/research program and lab called Wired!. Program uses new representational media technologies to train in the investigation and reconstruction of ancient and medieval sculpture and architecture. Awarded grants from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Philosophical Association, and the American Council of Learned Societies. Received the Duke Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award (1985). Past Director, American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ in Rome (1994-1998).~~
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