Akira Iriye
Akira Iriye is the Charles Warren Professor of American History at Harvard University. Professor Iriye was an Instructor and Lecturer in history at Harvard following receipt of his Ph.D, then taught at the University of California at Santa Cruz, the University of Rochester, and the University of Chicago before accepting an appointment as Professor of History at Harvard University in 1989, where he became Charles Warren Professor of American History in 1991. Professor Iriye has written widely on American diplomatic history and Japanese- American relations. Among those works are Pacific Estrangement: Japanese and American Expansion, 1897-1911 (1972); Power and Culture: The Japanese-American War, 1941-1945 (1981); Fifty Years of Japanese-American Relations (in Japanese, 1991); China and Japan in the Global Setting(1992); The Globalizing of America (1993); and Cultural Internationalism an World Order (1997). She is the recipient of the Yoshino Sakuzô Prize.