January 22, 2014

Berkeley, CA

The Ƶ convened a Stated Meeting on “Public Higher Education and the Private Sector.” Speakers included Lincoln Project co-chairs Robert Birgeneau and Mary Sue Coleman, Don Randel (American Ƶ), and project participants Phil Bredesen (former Governor of Tennessee) and Frank Yeary (CamberView Partners LLC).


October 26, 2014

Charlottesville, VA

The Lincoln Project held its first regional forum convening local leaders representing public higher education, government, policy, business, and philanthropy to identify common concerns and advance innovative initiatives. Participants included the presidents of the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and Virginia Commonwealth University as well as Carol Folt, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). The project also heard from representatives of the Virginia State Council on Higher Education and the Virginia Business Higher Education Council, and Gerald Baliles, the former governor of Virginia.


Robert Birgeneau, (University of California Berkeley)

Mary Sue Coleman, (University of Michigan)

Jonathan Fanton, (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences) 

Earl Lewis, (The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation) 

Carl Guardino, (Silicon Valley Leadership Group)

Michael Hout, (New York University) 

Robert Haas, (Levi Strauss & Co.)

Matthew Goldstein, (City University of New York)

Linwood Rose, (Virginia Business Higher Education Council)

Peter Blake, (State Council of Higher Education for Virginia)

Gerald L. Baliles, (The Miller Center)

Teresa Sullivan, (University of Virginia)

Timothy Sands, (Virginia Tech)

Michael Rao, (Virginia Commonwealth University)

Carol Folt, (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Gene Block, (University of California Los Angeles)

Hunter Rawlings, (Association of American Universities)

Jonathan Cole, (Columbia University)

James Hackett, (Steelcase)

Henry Brady, (University of California Berkeley)

Philip Bredesen, (former Governor of Tennessee)

Pauline Yu, (American Council of Learned Societies)

John Casteen, (University of Virginia)

Ray Scheppach, (The Miller Center)

John Tessitore (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Samantha Carney (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Felicia Knight (Knight Vision International)

Jack Crowley (Consultant)

March 26, 2015 

Austin, TX

The second regional forum of the Lincoln Project. Participants included William Powers (UT Austin), David Daniel (UT Dallas), Diana Natalicio (UT El Paso), Vistasp Karbhari (UT Arlington); leaders from the University of New Mexico and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette; as well as representatives from Educate Texas and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.


Robert Birgeneau, (University of California Berkeley)

Henry Brady, (University of California Berkeley)

Phil Bredesen, (former Governor of Tennessee)

Mary Sue Coleman, (University of Michigan)

David Daniel, (the University of Texas at Dallas)

Larry Faulkner, (the University of Texas at Austin)

John Fitzpatrick, (Educate Texas)

James Henderson, (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Kay Bailey Hutchison, (former United States Senator, Texas)

Vistasp Karbhari, (the University of Texas at Arlington)

Harrison Keller, (the University of Texas at Austin)

Diana Natalicio, (the University of Texas at El Paso)

Raymund Paredes, (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)

William Powers, Jr., (the University of Texas at Austin)

Amy Wohlert, (the University of New Mexico)

Samantha Carney (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Eliza Berg (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

April 2, 2015

Atlanta, GA

The Lincoln Project's third regional forum; hosted at Emory University by president James Wagner. Participants included presidents of public universities in Georgia (Mark Becker, Georgia State University; Carlton Brown, Clark Atlanta University; Jere Morehead, University of Georgia; Bud Peterson, Georgia Institute of Technology), Florida (Mark Rosenberg, Florida International University) and Tennessee (M. David Rudd, University of Memphis) as well as the president emeritus of Morehouse College, the president and CEO of the Southern Education Foundation, and the CEO for the Center for Civil and Human Rights.


Mark Becker, (Georgia State University)

Robert Birgeneau, (University of California Berkeley)

Carlton Brown, (Clark Atlanta University)

Mary Sue Coleman, (University of Michigan)

Jonathan Fanton, (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Robert Franklin, (Morehouse College, Emory University)

Kent McGuire, (Southern Education Foundation)

Peter McPherson, (Association of Public and Land-grant Universities)

Jere W. Morehead, (University of Georgia)

G.P. “Bud” Peterson, (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Mark Rosenberg, (Florida International University)

M. David Rudd, (University of Memphis)  

Doug Shipman, (Center for Civil and Human Rights)

James W. Wagner, (Emory University)

John Tessitore (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Samantha Carney (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Eliza Berg (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

April 6, 2015

New York, NY

The fourth regional forum. Members of the project advisory group heard from Robert Jones (University at Albany – SUNY), Richard Edwards (Rutgers-New Brunswick) and university leaders at Stony Brook University, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and the University at Buffalo. Guests also included Kenneth Wallach (Central National-Gottesman, Inc.), Nicholas Lemann (School of Journalism, Columbia University), Mark and Helene Kaplan (Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates) and Daniel Rose (Rose Associates, Inc.).


Dennis Assanis, (Stony Brook University)

Lawrence S. Bacow, (Tufts University)

Robert Birgeneau, (University of California Berkeley)

Gene D. Block, (University of California Los Angeles)

Philip Bredesen, (former Governor of Tennessee)

Mary Sue Coleman, (University of Michigan)

Fadi Deek, (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

Patrick Doyle, (Domino’s)

Richard Edwards, (Rutgers-New Brunswick)

Jonathan Fanton, (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Matthew Goldstein, (the City University of New York)

Carl Guardino, (Silicon Valley Leadership Group)

Robert D. Haas, (Levi Strauss & Co.)

Michael Hout, (New York University)

Robert Jones, (University at Albany, SUNY)

Helene Kaplan, (Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates)

Mark Kaplan, (Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates)

Jason Lane, (The State University of New York)

Jim Leach, (University of Iowa)

Nicholas Lemann, (Columbia University)

Daniel Rose, (Rose Associates, Inc.)

Thomas Rudin, (the National Academies of Science)

Kenneth Wallach, (Central National-Gottesman, Inc.)

Susan Wallach (Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Foundation)

Pauline Yu, (American Council of Learned Societies)

Charles Zukoski, (University at Buffalo)

John Tessitore (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Samantha Carney (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Eliza Berg (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Felicia Knight (Knight Vision International)

May 7, 2015

Chapel Hill, NC

The fifth regional forum, hosted by UNC Chapel Hill Chancellor, Carol Folt. Project members Gene Block, Jim Leach, and Jonathan Cole heard from UNC leadership, and representatives from local government and businesses.


Nancy Allbritton, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Valerie Ashby, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Gene Block, (University of California Los Angeles)

Robert Blouin, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Jonathan Cole, (Columbia University)

Judith Cone, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Joseph DeSimone, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; North Carolina State University)

Fred Eshelman, (Eshelman Ventures LLC)

Matthew Fajack, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Carol Folt, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 

Robert Geolas, (Research Triangle Park)

Ann Goodnight, (SAS Institute; University of North Carolina Board of Governors)

Rick Gunn, (State Senator, North Carolina)

Kevin Guskiewicz, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Zhi Hong, (GSK)

Mark Katz, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Jim Leach, (University of Iowa)

Tom Marsico, (Marsico Capital Management)

David Price, (North Carolina Congressman, U.S. House of Representatives)

David Routh, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Debra Saunders-White, (North Carolina Central University)

Beau Mills, (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Anna Spangler Nelson, (University of North Carolina Board of Governors)

Clay Thorp, (Hatteras Venture Partners)

Randy Woodson, (North Carolina State University)

John Tessitore (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

Samantha Carney (American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences)

January 28, 2016

Gainesville, FL

Project co-chair Bob Birgeneau participated in a Lincoln Project symposium hosted by University of Florida President Kent Fuchs.

February 4, 2016 

Los Angeles, CA

An Ƶ Stated Meeting “From Local to Global: Public Research Universities in the 21st Century.” Featuring Gene Block (University of California, Los Angeles), Marcel SuárezOrozco (University of California, Los Angeles), and Kim Wilcox (University of California, Riverside).

Feburary 18, 2016 

Baton Rouge, LA

Project co-chair Bob Birgeneau spoke to Louisiana State University students and faculty, and met with Louisiana Tech President Les Guice and other state officials to discuss the Lincoln Project’s recommendations.

March 23, 2016

Nashville, TN

Project member Phil Bredesen (former Governor, TN) hosted the Lincoln Project in Nashville for a conversation with state legislators and university leaders including Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey, Speaker of the General Assembly Beth Harwell, and President of the University of Tennessee Joe DiPietro. Project members also met with Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to discuss the report recommendations.


Ron Ramsey, Lieutenant Governor of Tennessee

Dolores Gresham, Tennessee Senate

Randy McNally, Tennessee Senate

Mark Norris, Tennessee Senate

Jeff Yarbro, Tennessee Senate

Richard Briggs, Tennessee Senate

Steve Dickerson, Tennessee Senate

Beth Harwell, Tennessee General Assembly

Harry Brooks, Tennessee General Assembly

Charles Sargent, Tennessee General Assembly

Gerald McCormick, Tennessee General Assembly

Craig Fitzhugh, Tennessee General Assembly

Mark White, Tennessee General Assembly

Joe DiPietro, University of Tennessee

Jim Murphy, University of Tennessee

Raja Jubran, University of Tennessee

Thom Mason, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Phil Bredesen, former Governor of Tennessee

Bob Birgeneau, University of California, Berkeley

Mary Sue Coleman, University of Michigan

Don Graham, Graham Holdings Company

Earl Lewis, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

George Miller, Former Congressman, California

John Tessitore, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

April 4, 2016

Ann Arbor, MI.

Regional Dialogue and Stated Meeting: “Public Research Universities: Serving the Public Interest in Michigan.”

Stated Meeting Panelists: Mark Schlissel (University of Michigan), Mary Sue Coleman, Patrick Doyle, Lou Anna Simon (Mighican State University), and M. Roy Wilson (Wayne Stated University).

Regional Dialogue Participants:

John Austin, Michigan State Board of Education

Deborah Ball, University of Michigan

Michael Bastedo, University of Michigan

Albert M. Berriz, McKinley, Inc.

Mary Sue Coleman, University of Michigan

Paul Courant, University of Michigan

Richard L. DeVore, PNC Financial Services Group

Debbie Dingell, United States House Representative, Michigan

Patrick Doyle, Domino’s

John Dunn, Western Michigan University

Jan Garfinkle, Arboretum Ventures

Daniel Hurley, Michigan Association of State Universities

Stephen Lanier, Wayne State University

Jeff Mason, Michigan's University Research Corridor

Chris Matus, Regional Representative for United States Senator Gary Peters

Michael McCready, Michigan State Representative, District 40

Peter McPherson, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

Martha Pollack, University of Michigan

Mark Schlissel, University of Michigan

Robert M. Sellers, University of Michigan

Lou Anna K. Simon, Michigan State University

Caroline Altman Smith, Kresge Foundation

Jason Owen-Smith, University of Michigan

Derek Sova, Chief of Staff, Michigan State Senator Tonya Schuitmaker

Ned Staebler, Wayne State University; TechTown Detroit

John Walsh, Office of the Governor of Michigan

M. Roy Wilson, Wayne State University

Eliza Berg, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

April 7, 2016

Washington, D.C. 

The final report was introduced during a panel discussion at the National Press Club. Ƶ President Jonathan Fanton, project co-chairs Mary Sue Coleman (President-Elect, AAU) and Bob Birgeneau (Chancellor Emeritus, UC Berkeley), George Miller (former Congressman, CA), Phil Bredesen (former Governor, TN), and Bob Haas (Chairman Emeritus, Levi Strauss & Co.) all offered opening remarks and then answered questions.

The day continued with a roundtable lunch discussion at the Reserve Officers Association on Capitol Hill where Committee members were joined by representatives from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, the Association of American Universities, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, and the National Academies. Participants discussed possibilities for further organizational partnerships during the next six months of outreach. Project leaders then met with staff from a number of Senate offices, including the offices of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA), respectively; Dianne Feinstein (D-CA); Mark Kirk (RIL); Barbara Boxer (D-CA); Susan Collins (R-ME); Johnny Isakson (R-GA); Orrin Hatch (R-UT); Bill Cassidy (R-LA); Jack Reed (D-RI); and Dick Durbin (D-IL).

The day’s events concluded with a dinner for Ƶ Fellows, project members and partners. The program included a conversation with Senator Lamar Alexander about the role of state and federal government in public higher education.

April 11, 2016

Austin, TX

Former U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and University of Texas at Austin President Greg Fenves hosted a roundtable discussion with state higher education leaders, including Texas House Speaker Joe Straus.


Maria Arrellaga, UT Austin

Bob Birgeneau, University of California at Berkeley

Phil Bredesen, Former Governor of Tennessee

David Daniel, UT System

Gregory L. Fenves UT Austin

Meredith Goode, UT System

Kay Bailey Hutchison, Former U. S. Senator

Admiral B. R. Inman U.S.N. (Ret.), UT Austin and Mrs. Nancy Inman

Rebecca Karoff, UT System

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Klein UT Austin alumni, philanthropists and civic leaders

Steven Leslie UT System

Wanda Mercer, UT System

Lindsey Parham, Advisor to Texas House Speaker Joe Straus

William Powers Jr. UT Austin; former President of UT Austin

Joe Straus, Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives

John Tessitore, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

April 20, 2016

Cambridge, MA

Regional Dialogue with public research university leadership from New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut and Massachusetts; state policymakers; and higher education commissioners from Rhode Island and Massachusetts.


Robert Birgeneau, UC Berkeley

Samantha Carney, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences 

Mun Choi, University of Connecticut

Jonathan Fanton, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Jeff Hecker, University of Maine

Mark Huddleston, University of New Hampshire

Marty Meehan, University of Massachusetts System

J. Keith Motley, University of Massachusetts Boston

Francesca Purcell, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Tom Sannicandro, State Representative, Massachusetts; House chairman of the Joint Committee of Higher Education

Neil Sullivan, Boston Private Industry Council

Tom Sullivan, University of Vermont

Carlos E. Santiago, Commissioner of Higher Education, Massachusetts

Eliza Berg, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

May 25, 2016

New York, NY

Carnegie Forum on “Making Americans, Making America: Immigration, Citizenship and the Public University.” Presentation of the Lincoln Project findings by Bob Birgeneau. Colin Powell (General, USA, ret.) opened the event by thanking the Lincoln Project for bringing attention to the challenges facing America’s public research universities.

July 28, 2016

Chapel Hill, NC

Presentation of the Lincoln Project findings by Phil Bredesen at a University of North Carolina Board Meeting.

August 5, 2016

Sacramento, CA

Project co-chair Bob Birgeneau briefed Sacramento Legislative Staff.

August 23, 2016 

Seattle, WA

Presentation of the Lincoln Project findings at the American Sociological Association’s Annual Meeting by Mike Hout (New York University).

November 13, 2016

Austin, TX

Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ Annual Meeting. Presentation of the Lincoln Project findings by Kay Bailey Hutchison.

December 14, 2016

Madison, WI

Regional dialogue hosted by the University of Wisconsin, Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank.


Kurt Bauer, President & CEO, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce

Eliza Berg, Program Coordinator for Education Policy, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

Lori Berquam, Vice Provost for Student Life and Dean of Students, UW-Madison

Robert Birgeneau, Chancellor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley

Rebecca Blank, Chancellor, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Mary Sue Coleman, President, Association of American Universities

Kevin Conroy, President & CEO, Exact Sciences Corporation

Ray Cross, President, University of Wisconsin System

Robert N. Golden, MD, Dean, School of Medicine and Public Health, UW-Madison

George F. Hamel, Jr., Vintner, Hamel Family Wines

Sheila Harsdorf, State Senator (R-River Falls), Wisconsin

Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, UW-Madison

James P. Henderson, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, UW-System

Charles Hoslet, Vice Chancellor for University Relations, UW-Madison

Eden Inoway-Ronnie, Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost, UW-Madison

Erik Iverson, Managing Director, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)

Marsha Mailick, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education, UW-Madison

Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UW-Madison

Matt Mayrl, Chief of Staff, Office of the Chancellor, UW-Madison

Ben Miller, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Government and Corporate Affairs, UW-Madison

Regina Millner, Regent President, University of Wisconsin System

Jan Mueller, Regent, University of Wisconsin System

Dave Murphy, State Representative (R-Greenville), Wisconsin

John Neis, Managing Director, Venture Investors

Karl Scholz, Dean, College of Letters & Science, UW-Madison

Timothy R. Sheehy, President, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce

Patrick J. Sims, Vice Provost & Chief Diversity Officer, UW-Madison

Jay Smith, CEO & Owner, Teel Plastics, Inc.

Tom Still, President, Wisconsin Technology Council

Raymond P. Taffora, Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs, UW-Madison

John Tessitore, Senior Program Advisor, American Ƶ of Arts and Sciences

January 22, 2017

Naples, FL

Opening panel for the Association of Governing Boards’ 2017 Foundation Leadership Forum. Panelists: Bob Birgeneau, Mary Sue Coleman, Earl Lewis, and George Miller.

March 9 & 10, 2017

Des Moines and Iowa City, IA

Public forum hosted by the University of Iowa; featuring Mary Sue Coleman, Phyllis Wise, Jim Leach, and Bruce Harreld (President, University of Iowa). Roundtable discussion with state legislators, including Iowa Governor Terry Branstad.


Terry Branstad, Governor of Iowa

Mary Sue Coleman, President, Association of American Universities

Robert Denson, President, Des Moines Area Community College

Bob Donley, Executive Director, Board of Regents

Bruce Harreld, President, University of Iowa

Lena Hill, Senior Associate to the President and Associate Professor, University of Iowa

Adam Ingersoll, Founder and Principal, Compass Education Group

Raynard Kington, President, Grinnell College

Jim Leach, Chair in Public Affairs, Visiting Professor, University of Iowa College of Law

Peter Matthes, Senior Advisor to the President, University of Iowa

Laura McLeran, Senior Advisor to the President, University of Iowa

Ben Milne, Co-founder, Dwolla

Katie Mulholland, Regent, Board of Regents

Sarah Nusser, VP for Research, Iowa State University

Suku Radia, CEO, Bankers Trust

Dan Reed, VP for Research & Economic Development, University of Iowa

Tom Rice, Director, John and Mary Pappajohn Educational Center, University of Iowa

Mike Richards, Regent, Board of Regents

Marten Roorda, CEO, ACT

Keith Saunders, State Relations Officer, University of Iowa

Pete Snyder, Vice President, Faculty Senate, University of Iowa

Mick Starcevich, President, Kirkwood Community College

Jonathan Wickert, Provost, Iowa State University

Phyllis Wise, CEO, Colorado Longitudinal Study

Catherine Zaharis, Director, Tippie Finance Undergraduate Program

April 25, 2017

Springfield, IL 

Regional dialogue with state legislators hosted by the University of Illinois.


Scott M. Bennett, State Senator, Illinois

Thomas Bennett, State Representative, Illinois

Dan Brady, State Representative, Illinois

Kelly Burke, State Representative, Illinois

Mary E. Flowers, State Representative, Illinois

La Shawn K. Ford, State Representative, Illinois

Elizabeth Hernandez, State Representative, Illinois

Pat McGuire, State Senator, Illinois

Laura Murphy, State Senator, Illinois

Reginald Phillips, State Representative, Illinois

Robert W. Pritchard, State Representative, Illinois

Chapin Rose, State Senator, Illinois

Michael J. Zalewski, State Representative, Illinois

May 2, 2017

Seattle, WA

Regional dialogue hosted by the University of Washington, featuring Bob Birgeneau, Daniel Greenstein (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), Christine Gregoire (former Washington State Governor), and Kirk Schulz (Washington State University).