Winter 2022 Bulletin

Select Upcoming Events

February 10, 2022

Honoring Charles L. Bennett with the Rumford Prize

WMAP leaving Earth/Moon Orbit for L2.
WMAP leaving Earth/Moon Orbit for L2.
Charles L. Bennett
Charles L. Bennett

Featuring: Charles L. Bennett, Marc Kamionkowski, and Kathryn Sullivan

February 28, 2022

Night at the Museums

Fossil Hall, Florida Museum of Natural History
A collection of fossils in the Florida Fossil Hall, Florida Museum of Natural History, Powell Hall.

Featuring: Scott Edwards, Jon Erlandson, Douglas Soltis, Pamela Soltis, and Victoria Sork

For a full and up-to-date listing of upcoming events, please visit amacad.org/events. Click on Past Events to find and view recordings of programs you missed. 
