Winter 2012 Bulletin


As of press time, several Fellows of the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ, listed below, had been nominated or appointed to key posts in the Obama administration:

Bonnie Bassler (Princeton University): Member, National Science Board, National Science Foundation

Ashton B. Carter (Harvard University): Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics, Department of Defense

Larry V. Hedges (Northwestern University): Member, Board of Directors of the National Board for Education Sciences

Judith Kimble (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Member, President’s Committee on the National Medal of Science

Alan Krueger (Princeton University): Chairman, White House Council of Economic Advisers

Margaret Murnane (University of Colorado): Chairman, President’s Committee on the National Medal of Science

Anneila I. Sargent (California Institute of Technology): Member, National Science Board, National Science Foundation

Jeremy C. Stein (Harvard University): Governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Owen N. Witte (University of California, Los Angeles): Member, President’s Cancer Panel

Select Prizes and Awards

Nobel Prizes, 2011


Christopher Sims (Princeton University)


Saul Perlmutter (University of California, Berkeley; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Adam Riess (Johns Hopkins University; Space Telescope Science Institute)

Physiology or Medicine

Jules A. Hoffmann (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France)

Wolf Foundation Prizes, 2012


Placido Domingo (New York, New York)


A. Paul Alivisatos (University of California, Berkeley; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Charles M. Lieber (Harvard University)


Michael Aschbacher (California Institute of Technology)

Luis Caffarelli (University of Texas at Austin)


Ronald M. Evans (Salk Institute for Biological Studies)

National Medal of Science

Jacqueline K. Barton (California Institute of Technology)

Ralph L. Brinster (University of Pennsylvania)

Shu Chien (University of California, San Diego)

Peter J. Stang (University of Utah)

Srinivasa S. R. Varadhan (New York University)

Other Awards

Joyce Appleby (University of California, Los Angeles) was named a 2012 Haskins Prize Lecturer by the American Council of Learned Societies.

Phaedon Avouris (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center) received the David Turnbull Lectureship Award, given by the Materials Research Society.

Bernard Bailyn (Harvard University) received the Samuel Eliot Morison Award from the USS Constitution Museum.

Bonnie Bassler (Princeton University) was named the 2012 Laureate for North America of the L'OREAL-UNESCO Awards “For Women in Science.â€

Ted Belytschko (Northwestern University) was awarded the 2011 William Prager Medal of the Society of Engineering Science.

Peter Brown (Princeton University) was awarded a 2011 Balzan Prize.

Sean B. Carroll (University of Wisconsin-Madison) is the recipient of the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Life Science, given by the Franklin Institute.

John Chambers (Cisco Systems) is the recipient of the Bower Award for Business Leadership given by the Franklin Institute.

David D. Clark (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is the recipient of the Oxford Internet Institute Lifetime Achievement Award.

Alfred W. Crompton (Harvard University) was awarded the A.S. Romer–G.G. Simpson Medal by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Lester Crown (Henry Crown & Company), James S. Crown (Henry Crown & Company), and the Crown Family were awarded a 2011 Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.

William H. Danforth (Washington University in St. Louis) and the Danforth Family were awarded a 2011 Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.

Ingrid Daubechies (Duke University) is the recipient of the 2011 IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal.

Judi Dench (London, United Kingdom) was named a 2011 Praemium Imperiale laureate by the Japan Art Association.

Mildred Dresselhaus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was awarded the Enrico Fermi Award, given by the U.S. Department of Energy. She shares the award with Burton Richter (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center).

Stephen Emlen (Cornell University) received the Distinguished Animal Behaviorist Award from the Animal Behavior Society.

Daniel W. Foster (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) is the recipient of the 2011 TIAA-CREF Distinguished Medical Educator Award.

Shafi Goldwasser (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) is the recipient of the 2011 IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award.

Stephen Greenblatt (Harvard University) won the National Book Award for nonfiction for The Swerve: How the World Became Modern.

Charlotte Greenspan (Ithaca, New York; Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Scholar in Residence, 2011) received an ASCAP Deems Taylor Award for her book Pick Yourself Up: Dorothy Fields and the American Musical.

Jeffrey C. Hall (University of Maine) was awarded the 2011 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize, given by Columbia University. He shares the award with Michael Rosbash (Brandeis University) and Michael W. Young (Rockefeller University).

John L. Hennessy (Stanford University) has been named the 2012 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Medal of Honor recipient.

Berthold Hölldobler (Arizona State University) received the Cothenius Medal from the German National Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Sciences.

Paul Houston (Georgia Institute of Technology) was named a Fellow of the American Chemical Society.

Freeman A. Hrabowski III (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) is the recipient of a Centennial Academic Leadership Award, given by Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Fredric Jameson (Duke University) is the recipient of the Modern Language Association’s Award for Lifetime Scholarly Achievement.

Martin Karplus (Harvard University) has been awarded the Antonio Feltrinelli International Prize in Chemistry by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Fred Kavli (Kavli Foundation) was awarded a 2011 Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.

Russell Lande (Imperial College London) was awarded a 2011 Balzan Prize.

Leonard Lauder (Estée Lauder Companies Inc.), Evelyn Lauder † (Estée Lauder Companies Inc.), and the Lauder Family were awarded a 2011 Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.

Ricardo Legorreta† (Legorreta & Legorreta Arquitechtos) was named a 2011 Praemium Imperiale laureate by the Japan Art Association.

Barbara Liskov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is among the recipients of the fourth annual Katayanagi Prizes in Computer Science.

Richard A. Meserve (Carnegie Institution for Science) was elected a Foreign Member of the Russian Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Sciences.

Mortimer Mishkin (National Institute of Mental Health) and Leslie Ungerleider (National Institute of Mental Health) are recipients of the 2012 Grawemeyer Award in Psychology.

Ellen Stone Mosley-Thompson (Ohio State University) and Lonnie G. Thompson (Ohio State University) were awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Earth and Environmental Science by the Franklin Institute.

Martha Nussbaum (University of Chicago) is the recipient of Phi Beta Kappa’s Sidney Hook Memorial Award.

Pierre Omidyar (Omidyar Network) and Pamela Omidyar (Omidyar Network) were awarded a 2011 Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.

Joseph Pedlosky (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) was awarded the 2011 Maurice Ewing Medal of the American Geophysical Union.

Robert D. Putnam (Harvard University) and David E. Campbell (University of Notre Dame) were awarded the 2011 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award from the American Political Science Association for their book American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us.

C.R. Rao (C.R. Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, India) was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Science from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Burton Richter (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) was awarded the Enrico Fermi Award, given by the U.S. Department of Energy. He shares the award with Mildred Dresselhaus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Felix Rohatyn (Lazard Ltd.) is the recipient of the 2012 John C. Whitehead Award for Distinguished Public Service and Financial Leadership, given by the Museum of American Finance.

Ares Rosakis (California Institute of Technology) was awarded the 2011 A. Cermal Eringen Medal of the Society of Engineering Science.

Michael Rosbash (Brandeis University) was awarded the 2011 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize, given by Columbia University. He shares the award with Jeffrey C. Hall (University of Maine) and Michael W. Young (Rockefeller University).

Ira Rubinoff (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute) is the recipient of the Joseph Henry Gold Medal, given by the Smithsonian Institution.

Marshall Sahlins (University of Chicago) has been named a Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture.

Esa-Pekka Salonen (Philharmonia Orchestra) has won the 2012 Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition.

Henry Samueli (Broadcom Corporation) is the recipient of the 2011 Dr. Morris Chang Exemplary Leadership Award, given by the Global Semiconductor Alliance.

Frederick Schauer (University of Virginia) is the recipient of the Marshall-Wythe Medallion, given by the William & Mary Law School.

Joseph Silk (Johns Hopkins University; University of Oxford) was awarded a 2011 Balzan Prize.

Ralph Snyderman (Duke Medicine) received the William G. Anlyan, MD, Lifetime Achievement Award, given by the Duke Medical Alumni Association.

Haim Sompolinsky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) was awarded the Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience, given by the Society for Neuroscience.

Patricia Meyer Spacks (University of Virginia) is the recipient of Phi Beta Kappa’s Award for Distinguished Service to the Humanities.

Rashid Sunyaev (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics) was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics by the Franklin Institute.

Leslie Ungerleider (National Institute of Mental Health) and Mortimer Mishkin (National Institute of Mental Health) are recipients of the 2012 Grawemeyer Award in Psychology.

Bill Viola (Bill Viola Studio) was named a 2011 Praemium Imperiale laureate by the Japan Art Association.

Frederick Wiseman (Zipporah Films, Inc.) received the Cinema Eye’s 2012 Legacy Award for the documentary Titicut Follies.

Christian Wolff (Dartmouth College) is the 2011 recipient of the Walter Cerf Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Arts, given by the Vermont Arts Council.

Chi-Huey Wong (Scripps Research Institute) received the 2012 Arthur C. Cope Award for Organic Chemistry from the American Chemical Society.

Sunney Xie (Harvard University) received the Founders Award from the Biophysical Society.

New Appointments

Robert Berdahl (formerly Association of American Universities) was appointed interim President of the University of Oregon.

Timothy J. Berners-Lee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; World Wide Web Consortium) was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation.

Chi Van Dang (Johns Hopkins University) has been appointed Director of the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania.

Edward P. Djerejian (Rice University; Djerejian Global Consultancies, LLP) has been named to the Board of Trustees of Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Martin Feldstein (Harvard University) joined the Advisory Board of Paulson & Co. Inc.

Robert M. Gates (Sedro-Wolley, Washington) has been named Chancellor of the College of William & Mary.

Laurie H. Glimcher (Harvard University) has been appointed Dean of Weill Cornell Medical College.

Helen Hobbs (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) was elected to the Board of Directors of Pfizer Inc.

Paul Hoffman (Woodstock, New York) was named President and Chief Executive Officer of the Liberty Science Center.

J. Larry Jameson (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) was elected to the Board of Directors of the University City Science Center.

Michael I. Jordan (University of California, Berkeley) has been appointed to the Technical Advisory Board of Rearden Commerce.

Philip Levine (New York University) was named Poet Laureate of the United States.

Arthur D. Levinson (Genentech) was named nonexecutive Chairman of the Board of Apple.

Michael Lynch (Indiana University) was elected Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Genetics Society of America.

Paul Marks (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) joined the Scientific Advisory Board of Cellceutix Corporation.

Raghuram G. Rajan (University of Chicago Booth School of Business) joined the Group of Thirty (G30).

Neil L. Rudenstine (ARTstor) was named Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the New York Public Library.

Randy W. Schekman (University of California, Berkeley) has been named Editor-in-Chief of eLife.

Paul Schimmel (Scripps Research Institute) has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of WaferGen Biosystems, Inc.

Inder M. Verma (Salk Institute for Biological Studies) was named Editor-in-Chief of the Proceedings of the National Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Sciences (PNAS).

Meg Whitman (eBay) was named President and Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett-Packard Company.

Select Publications


Henri Cole (Ohio State University). Touch. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, September 2011

Rita Dove (University of Virginia), ed. The Penguin Anthology of 20th Century American Poetry. Penguin, November 2011

Geoffrey Hill (University of Oxford). Clavics. Enitharmon Press, August 2011


Aharon Appelfeld (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel). Until the Dawn’s Light. Schocken, October 2011

Russell Banks (Princeton University). Lost Memory of Skin. Ecco, September 2011


Jill Abramson (New York Times). The Puppy Diaries: Raising a Dog Named Scout. Times Books/Henry Holt & Company, October 2011

Peter Ackroyd (London Times). London Under: The Secret History Beneath the Streets. Nan A. Talese, November 2011

Margaret Atwood (Toronto, Canada). In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination. Nan A. Talese, October 2011

Robert N. Bellah (University of California, Berkeley). Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, September 2011

Hans Belting (Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissen, Germany). An Anthropology of Images: Picture, Medium, Body. Princeton University Press, September 2011

Eli Broad (Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation). The Art of Being Unreasonable: Lessons in Unconventional Thinking. Wiley, May 2012

Peter Brooks (Princeton University). Enigmas of Identity. Princeton University Press, November 2011

Zbigniew Brzezinski (Center for Strategic & International Studies). Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power. Basic Books, February 2012

James Cuno (J. Paul Getty Trust). Museums Matter: In Praise of the Encyclopedic Museum. University of Chicago Press, December 2011

Michael C. Dawson (University of Chicago). Not in Our Lifetimes: The Future of Black Politics. University of Chicago Press, November 2011

Joan Didion (New York, New York). Blue Nights. Knopf, November 2011

Denis Donoghue (New York University). Irish Essays. Cambridge University Press, May 2011

Ariel Dorfman (Duke University). Feeding on Dreams: Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, September 2011

Greg J. Duncan (University of California, Irvine) and Richard J. Murnane (Harvard Graduate School of Education), eds. Whither Opportunity? Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children’s Life Chances. Russell Sage Foundation, September 2011

Jean Bethke Elshtain (University of Chicago Divinity School). Sovereignty: God, State, and Self. Basic Books, April 2012

Paul Farmer (Harvard University). Haiti after the Earthquake. PublicAffairs, July 2011

Joachim Frank (Columbia University), ed. Molecular Machines in Biology: Workshop of the Cell. Cambridge University Press, December 2011

Victor R. Fuchs (Stanford University). Who Shall Live?: Health, Economics, and Social Choice. World Scientific Publishing Company, June 2011

John Lewis Gaddis (Yale University). George F. Kennan: An American Life. Penguin, November 2011

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (Harvard University). Life Upon These Shores: Looking at African American History, 1513–2008. Knopf, November 2011

Claire Gaudiani (New York University) and David Graham Burnett (Gaudiani Associates). Daughters of the Declaration: How Women Social Entrepreneurs Built the American Dream. PublicAffairs, November 2011

Michael S. Gazzaniga (University of California, Santa Barbara). Who’s in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain. Ecco, November 2011

Jack Goldsmith (Harvard Law School). Power and Constraint: The Accountable Presidency after 9/11. W. W. Norton, March 2012

Stephen Greenblatt (Harvard University). The Swerve: How the World Became Modern. W. W. Norton, September 2011

Jerome Groopman (Harvard Medical School) and Pamela Hartzband (Harvard Medical School). Your Medical Mind: How to Decide What is Right for You. Penguin Press, September 2011

Rachel Hadas (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey). Strange Relation: A Memoir of Marriage, Dementia, and Poetry. Paul Dry Books, February 2011

Gertrude Himmelfarb (Washington, D.C.). The People of the Book: Philosemitism in England, from Cromwell to Churchill. Encounter Books, November 2011

Jerome Kagan (Harvard University). Psychology’s Ghosts: The Crisis in the Profession and the Way Back. Yale University Press, March 2012

Steven Knapp (George Washington University) and Philip Clayton (Claremont School of Theology). The Predicament of Belief: Science, Philosophy, and Faith. Oxford University Press, December 2011

Lawrence Lessig (Harvard Law School). Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress–and a Plan to Stop It. Twelve Books, October 2011

Margaret Levi (University of Washington), Susan Stokes (Yale University), James Johnson (University of Rochester), and Jack Knight (Duke University). Designing Democratic Government: Making Institutions Work. Russell Sage Foundation, September 2011

John Lithgow (Los Angeles, California). Drama: An Actor’s Education. Harper, September 2011

Joseph B. Martin (Harvard Medical School). Alfalfa to Ivy: Memoir of a Harvard Medical School Dean. University of Alberta Press, August 2011

J. Hillis Miller (University of California, Irvine). The Conflagration of Community: Fiction before and after Auschwitz. University of Chicago Press, September 2011

Riccardo Muti (Milan, Italy). Riccardo Muti–An Autobiography: First the Music, Then the Words. Rizzoli Ex Libris, October 2011

Katherine Newman (Johns Hopkins University). The Accordion Family: Boomerang Kids, Anxious Parents, and the Private Toll of Global Competition. Beacon Press, January 2012

Mark A. Noll (University of Notre Dame). Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, July 2011

Steven Pinker (Harvard University). The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined. Viking, October 2011

Alvin Plantinga (University of Notre Dame). Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. Oxford University Press, November 2011

Lisa Randall (Harvard University). Knocking on Heaven’s Door: How Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the Universe and the Modern World. Ecco, September 2011

Daniel Roche (Collège de France). La gloire et la puissance. Fayard, November 2011

Joan Wallach Scott (Institute for Advanced Study). The Fantasy of Feminist History. Duke University Press, October 2011

Theda Skocpol (Harvard University) and Vanessa Williamson (Harvard University). The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism. Oxford University Press, January 2012

Arthur M. Squires (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). From Toumai to G. Stein and O. Wilde. CreateSpace, July 2011

Robert A. M. Stern (Robert A. M. Stern Architects; Yale University). Tradition and Invention in Architecture. Yale University Press, February 2012

Susan Stokes (Yale University), Margaret Levi (University of Washington), James Johnson (University of Rochester), and Jack Knight (Duke University). Designing Democratic Government: Making Institutions Work. Russell Sage Foundation, September 2011

Ezra F. Vogel (Harvard University). Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, September 2011

Alice Waters (Chez Panisse Foundation; Chez Panisse). Forty Years of Chez Panisse: The Power of Gathering. Clarkson Potter, August 2011

Barbara Weinstein (New York University) and A. Ricardo López (Western Washington University), eds. The Making of the Middle Class: Toward a Transnational History. Duke University Press, February 2012

Bruce Western (Harvard University), David B. Grusky (Stanford University), and Christopher Wimer (Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality). The Great Recession. Russell Sage Foundation, October 2011

Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University) and Steve Nadis (Astronomy). The Shape of Inner Space: String Theory and the Geometry of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions. Basic Books, March 2012

Theodore Ziolkowski (Princeton University). Gilgamesh among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic. Cornell University Press, December 2011

Theodore Ziolkowski (Princeton University), ed. Peter Hacks: Senecas Tod. Aurora Verlag, July 2011


White Gold: Highlights from the Arnhold Collection of Meissen Porcelain in the Portico Gallery for Decorative Arts and Sculpture at the Frick Collection, through April 2012.

† Deceased

We invite all Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members to send notices about their recent and forthcoming publications, scientific findings, exhibitions and performances, and honors and prizes to bulletin@amacad.org.