Winter 2023 Bulletin


Select Prizes and Awards to Members

Chimamanda Nogzi Adichie (Lagos, Nigeria) was awarded Harvard University’s W. E. B. Du Bois Medal.

Anita L. Allen (University of Pennsylvania) is the recipient of the Hastings Center’s 2022 Bioethics Founders’ Award and the 2022 Privacy Award of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. She was also elected to the American Philosophical Society.

Chieko Asakawa (IBM Research) was awarded the 2022 Okawa Prize by the Okawa Foundation in Japan.

Jesse H. Ausubel (The Rockefeller University) was awarded the 2022 Nierenberg Prize for Science in the Public Interest.

Carolyn R. Bertozzi (Stanford University) was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Dr. Bertozzi shares the award with Morten Meldal (University of Copenhagen) and K. Barry Sharpless (Scripps Research).

Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo (University of California, San Francisco) was awarded the 2022 Population Research Prize by the American Heart Association.

Squire J. Booker (Pennsylvania State University) received the ASBMB-Merck Award and the Ruth Kirschstein Diversity in Science Award from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB).

Richard H. Brodhead (Duke University) received the 2022 University Medal for Distinguished Meritorious Service from Duke University.

Rodney Brooks (Robust AI; Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was awarded the 2023 IEEE Founders Medal.

Myles Brown (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School) is the recipient of the 2023 Gerald D. Aurbach Award for Outstanding Translational Research, given by the Endocrine Society.

Elizabeth J. Cabraser (Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein LLP) received a 2022 Excellence in Ethics in Complex Litigation Award.

Adele Chatfield-Taylor (American Ƶ in Rome) was awarded the Albert Simons Medal of Excellence by the College of Charleston’s School of the Arts.

Patricia Churchland (University of California, San Diego) was awarded a 2022 Revelle Medal by the University of California, San Diego.

Douglas Diamond (University of Chicago) was awarded the 2022 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Professor Diamond shares the award with Ben S. Bernanke (Brookings Institution) and Philip H. Dybvig (Washington University in St. Louis).

Rita Dove (University of Virginia) was awarded a 2022 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize by the Poetry Foundation.

Scott Emr (Cornell University) received a lifetime achievement award from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Sally Field (Santa Monica, California) received the 2023 SAG Life Achievement Award.

Bojie Fu (Chinese Ƶ of Sciences) received the TWAS-Lenovo Science Award.

Jeanne Gang (Studio Gang Architects) is the recipient of the 2023 Les Prix Charlotte Perriand Award.

Susan Goldin-Meadow (University of Chicago) was awarded the 2021 David E. Rumelhart Prize for Contributions to the Theoretical Foundations of Human Cognition.

Lawrence S. B. Goldstein (University of California, San Diego) was awarded a 2022 Revelle Medal by the University of California, San Diego.

Carol Greider (University of California, Santa Cruz) received the Award for Excellence in Molecular Diagnostics from the Association for Molecular Pathology.

Agnes Gund (Museum of Modern Art) was awarded Harvard University’s W. E. B. Du Bois Medal.

Naomi J. Halas (Rice University) received the 2022 Eni Energy Transition Award. She shares the award with Peter Nordlander (Rice University).

Demis Hassabis (DeepMind) was awarded a 2023 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences.

Rebecca Heald (University of California, Berkeley) is the recipient of the 2022 Sandra K. Masur Senior Leadership Award from the American Society for Cell Biology.

Richard O. Hynes (Massachu­setts Institute of Technology) received the 2022 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Re­search Award. He shares the award with Erkki Ruoslahti (Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute) and Timothy A. Springer (Harvard Medical School; Boston Children’s Hospital).

Sherrilyn Ifill (NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund) received the American Bar Association’s 2022 Thurgood Marshall Award and the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law’s 2023 Brandeis Medal.

Holly A. Ingraham (University of California, San Francisco) is the recipient of the 2023 Edwin B. Astwood Award for Outstanding Research in Basic Science, given by the Endocrine Society.

Katalin Karikó (BioNTech) was elected to the National Ƶ of Inventors.

Robin Wall Kimmerer (SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry) was awarded a 2022 MacArthur Fellowship.

Bryna Kra (Northwestern University) was named a 2023 Association for Women in Mathematics Fellow.

Vijay Kumar (University of Pennsylvania) was elected to the National Ƶ of Inventors.

Mitchell A. Lazar (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) is the recipient of the 2023 Fred Conrad Koch Lifetime Achievement Award, given by the Endocrine Society.

Frank Thomson Leighton (Akamai Technologies; Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was awarded the 2023 IEEE John von Neumann Medal.

Ralph Lemon (Cross Performance, Inc.) is the recipient of the Whitney Museum of American Art’s 2022 Bucksbaum Award.

Tania León (Brooklyn College) received a Kennedy Center’s Honor.

Jianguo (Jack) Liu (Michigan State University) was elected to the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters.

Mario Vargas Llosa (Madrid, Spain) received the 2022 Madrileño del año award.

Guillermina Lozano (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center) received the 2022 Award for Distinguished Research in the Biomedical Sciences from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Michael Lynch (Arizona State University) is the recipient of the 2022 Arizona Bioscience Pioneer Award for Lifetime Achievement.

Barry Mazur (Harvard University) was awarded the 2022 Chern Medal of the International Mathematical Union.

J. Andrew McCammon (University of California, San Diego) was awarded a 2022 Revelle Medal by the University of California, San Diego.

Richard A. Meserve (Carnegie Institution for Science) is the recipient of the American Physical Society’s Joseph A. Burton Forum Award.

Chad A. Mirkin (Northwestern University) was awarded the 2023 King Faisal Prize in Medicine and Science. He also received the 2022 Faraday Medal from the Institution of Engineering and Technology of the United Kingdom.

Diana C. Mutz (University of Pennsylvania) received the APSA Best Book Award for Winners and Losers: The Psychology of Foreign Trade.

Shree K. Nayar (Columbia University) was awarded the 2022 Okawa Prize by the Okawa Foundation in Japan.

Gülru Necipoğlu (Harvard University) is the recipient of the 2023 Freer Medal, given by the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Asian Art.

William Newsome (Stanford University) was awarded the 2022 Mendel Medal by Villanova University.

Sharon Olds (New York University) was awarded a 2022 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize by the Poetry Foundation.

Svante Pääbo (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Ariel Pakes (Harvard University) received the 2022 Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics.

Deval Patrick (Harvard Kennedy School) was awarded Harvard University’s W. E. B. Du Bois Medal.

Robert Plomin (King’s College London) was awarded a CBE in the United Kingdom’s New Year Honors 2023.

Ramamoorthy Ramesh (Rice University) was elected to the National Ƶ of Inventors.

Rebecca R. Richards-Kortum (Rice University) was awarded the 2023 IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology.

Erkki Ruoslahti (Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute) received the 2022 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award. He shares the award with Richard O. Hynes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Timothy A. Springer (Harvard Medical School; Boston Children’s Hospital).

Daniela Rus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was awarded the 2023 IEEE Robotics and Automation Award.

Frederick Schauer (University of Virginia) received the Hart-Dworkin Award in Legal Philosophy from the Association of American Law Schools.

Rachel Segalman (University of California, Santa Barbara) is the recipient of the Department of Energy’s 2021 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award in Condensed Matter and Materials Science, and the Andreas Acrivos Award for Professional Progress in Chemical Engineering of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

K. Barry Sharpless (Scripps Research) was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Dr. Sharpless shares the award with Carolyn R. Bertozzi (Stanford University) and Morten Meldal (University of Copenhagen).

Peter W. Shor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was awarded a 2023 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics.

Patricia Smith (College of Staten Island) was awarded a 2022 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize by the Poetry Foundation.

Paul Sniderman (Stanford University) is the recipient of the 2022 Ithiel de Sola Pool Award, given by the American Political Science Association.

Daniel A. Spielman (Yale University) was awarded a 2023 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics.

Hortense J. Spillers (Vanderbilt University) is the recipient of the 2022 Wayne Booth Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Society for the Study of Narrative.

Timothy A. Springer (Harvard Medical School; Boston Children’s Hospital) received the 2022 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award. He shares the award with Richard O. Hynes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Erkki Ruoslahti (Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute).

Samuel I. Stupp (Northwestern University) received the 2022 Von Hippel Award, given by the Materials Research Society.

Madhu Sudan (Harvard University) received an INE Multimedia New England Choice Award.

Arthur Sze (Institute of American Indian Arts) was awarded a 2022 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize by the Poetry Foundation.

Jeremy Thorner (University of California, Berkeley) received the 2022 Centenary Award from the Biochemical Society of the United Kingdom.

Michael Tomasello (Duke University) was awarded the 2022 David E. Rumelhart Prize for Contributions to the Theoretical Foundations of Human Cognition.

Virginia Trimble (University of California, Irvine) was awarded the first Keplerus Ellipsis Medal from the Societas Astronomia Nova.

Drew Weissman (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) was elected to the National Ƶ of Inventors.

Deborah Willis (New York University Tisch School of the Arts) was awarded the 2022 Don Tyson Prize for the Advancement of American Art, given by the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

Jeannette Wing (Columbia University) was elected to the National Ƶ of Inventors.

Chi-Huey Wong (Scripps Research Institute) was awarded the 2022 Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis.

Huda Zoghbi (Baylor College of Medicine) was awarded the 2023 August M. Watanabe Prize in Translational Research.

New Appointments

Susan Athey (Stanford University) was named Chief Economist of the Antitrust Division at the U.S. Department of Justice.

Deborah Loewenberg Ball (University of Michigan) was appointed as a member of the National Science Board.

Carolyn Bertozzi (Stanford University) was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of Rondo Therapeutics.

L. Ebony Boulware (Duke University) was named Dean of Wake Forest University School of Medicine and Chief Science Officer of Atrium Health.

Benjamin Cravatt (Scripps Research Institute) was named to the Scientific Advisory Board of Alterome Therapeutics, Inc. Dr. Cravatt was also named to the Scientific Advisory Board of Atavistik Bio.

Linda Darling-Hammond (Learning Policy Institute) was appointed as a member of the National Board for Education Sciences.

Sean M. Decatur (Kenyon College) was named President of the American Museum of Natural History.

Jennifer Doudna (University of California, Berkeley) was named to the Scientific Advisory Board of Isomorphic Labs.

Claudine Gay (Harvard University) was named President of Harvard University.

Helene D. Gayle (Spelman College) was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Warner C. Greene (Gladstone Institutes) was appointed President and Chief Scientific Officer of InvisiShield Technologies Ltd.

Thomas Henzinger (Institute of Science and Technology Austria) was appointed to the Scientific Council of the European Research Council.

David D. Ho (Columbia University Irving Medical Center) was appointed Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of Veru Inc.

Steven E. Hyman (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard) was appointed to the Board of Directors of Cyclerion Therapeutics, Inc.

Paul E. Jacobs (XCOM Labs) was appointed to the Board of Directors of Arm.

Sally A. Kornbluth (Duke University) was named President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

John Kuriyan (University of California, Berkeley) was named Dean of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Basic Sciences.

Carol D. Lee (Northwestern University) was appointed as a member of the National Board for Education Sciences.

Haifan Lin (Yale University School of Medicine) was appointed President of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR).

Harvey Lodish (Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research) was appointed Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Carcell Biopharma.

David MacMillan (Princeton University) was named to the Scientific Advisory Board of Isomorphic Labs.

Tshilidzi Marwala (University of Johannesburg) was appointed Rector of the United Nations University in Tokyo.

Diane Mathis (Harvard Medical School) was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the James P. Allison Institute at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Katherine S. Newman (University of Massachusetts) was appointed as Provost of the University of California system.

Paul Nurse (Francis Crick Institute) was named to the Scientific Advisory Board of Isomorphic Labs.

Anne Joseph O’Connell (Stanford Law School) was appointed to the Council of the Administrative Conference of the United States.

Santa J. Ono (University of British Columbia) was named President of the University of Michigan.

Ramamoorthy Ramesh (University of California, Berkeley) was named Vice President for Research at Rice University.

Richard Revesz (New York University School of Law) was confirmed as Administrator of the U.S. Office for Management and Budget’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).

Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University) was named Provost of Princeton University.

Michael H. Schill (University of Oregon) was named President of Northwestern University.

Robert Schreiber (Washington University School of Medicine) was appointed as Cochair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the James P. Allison Institute at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Phillip Sharp (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the James P. Allison Institute at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Jacqueline Stewart (Ƶ Museum of Motion Pictures) was named President and Director of the Ƶ Museum of Motion Pictures.

Craig B. Thompson (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) was appointed to the Board of Directors of Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.

Karen Vousden (Francis Crick Institute) was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the James P. Allison Institute at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Hirokazu Yoshikawa (New York University) was appointed as a member of the National Board for Education Sciences.

Select Publications


Jorie Graham (Harvard University). [To] The Last [Be] Human. Cooper Canyon Press, September 2022

Joy Harjo (Tulsa, Oklahoma). Weaving Sundown in a Scarlet Light: Fifty Poems for Fifty Years. W. W. Norton & Company, November 2022

A. E. Stallings (Athens, Greece). This Afterlife: Selected Poems. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, December 2022


John Banville (Dublin, Ireland). The Singularities. Knopf, October 2022

Wendell Berry (Port Royal, Kentucky). How It Went: Thirteen More Stories of the Port William Membership. Counterpoint, November 2022

Emma Donoghue (Ontario, Canada). Haven: A Novel. Little, Brown and Company, August 2022

Thomas Mallon (Washington, D.C.). Up with the Sun. Knopf, February 2023

Orhan Pamuk (Istanbul, Turkey). Nights of Plague, trans. Ekin Olap. Knopf, October 2022

Paul Theroux (Cape Cod, Massachusetts). The Bad Angel Brothers. Mariner Books, September 2022


Hilton Als (The New Yorker; Columbia University School of the Arts). My Pinup. New Directions, November 2022

R. Howard Bloch (Yale University). Paris and Her Cathedrals. Liveright, November 2022

Peter Brooks (Yale University). Seduced by Story: The Use and Abuse of Narrative. New York Review Books, October 2022

Virginia Burrus (Syracuse University). Earthquakes and Gardens: Saint Hilarion’s Cyprus. University of Chicago Press, February 2023

Judith Butler (University of California, Berkeley). What World Is This? A Pandemic Phenomenology. Columbia University Press, November 2022

Terri Lyne Carrington (Berklee College of Music). New Standards: 101 Lead Sheets by Women Composers. Berklee Press, September 2022

Daniel Diermeier (Vanderbilt University). Reputation Analytics: Public Opinion for Companies. University of Chicago Press, March 2023

Gretchen Gerzina (University of Massachusetts Amherst). Black England: A Forgotten Georgian History. John Murray Press, September 2022

Anthony Grafton (Princeton University) and Maren Elisabeth Schwab (University of Kiel). The Art of Discovery: Digging into the Past in Renaissance Europe. Princeton University Press, November 2022

Temple Grandin (Colorado State University). Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions. Riverhead Books, October 2022

Joy Harjo (Tulsa, Oklahoma). Catching the Light. Yale University Press, October 2022

Jennifer Homans (New York University). Mr. B: George Balanchine’s 20th Century. Random House, November 2022

Jacqueline Jones (University of Texas at Austin). No Right to an Honest Living: The Struggles of Boston’s Black Workers in the Civil War Era. Basic Books, January 2023

Dacher Keltner (University of California, Berkeley). Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life. Penguin Press, January 2023

Philip Kitcher (Columbia University). On John Stuart Mill. Columbia University Press, January 2023

Jonathan Lear (University of Chicago). Imagining the End: Mourning and Ethical Life. Harvard University Press, November 2022

Mario Vargas Llosa (Madrid, Spain). The Call of the Tribe. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, January 2023

Anthony A. Long (University of California, Berkeley). Plotinus “Ennead” II.4: On Matter. Parmenides Publishing, July 2022; and Selfhood and Rationality in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Heraclitus to Plotinus. Oxford University Press, January 2023

Steve Martin (Los Angeles, California). Number One Is Walking: My Life in the Movies and Other Diversions. Celadon Books, November 2022

M. Margaret McKeown (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit). Citizen Justice: The Environmental Legacy of William O. Douglas – Public Advocate and Conservation Champion. Potomac Books, September 2022

Donald Norman (University of California, San Diego). Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered. The MIT Press, March 2023

Peter Norvig (Stanford University), Alfred Z. Spector (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Chris Wiggins (Columbia University), and Jeannette M. Wing (Columbia University). Data Science in Context: Foundations, Challenges, Opportunities. Cambridge University Press, September 2022

Martha C. Nussbaum (University of Chicago). Justice for Animals: Our Collective Responsibility. Simon & Schuster, January 2023

Michelle Obama (Washington, D.C.). The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times. Crown Publishing, November 2022

Naomi Oreskes (Harvard University) and Erik M. Conway (California Institute of Technology). The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market. Bloomsbury Publishing, February 2023

Timothy Palmer (University of Oxford). The Primacy of Doubt: From Quantum Physics to Climate Change, How the Science of Uncertainty Can Help Us Understand Our Chaotic World. Basic Books, October 2022

Henry Petroski (Duke University). Force: What It Means to Push and Pull, Slip and Grip, Start and Stop. Yale University Press, September 2022

Carl Phillips (Washington University in St. Louis). My Trade Is Mystery: Seven Meditations from a Life in Writing. Yale University Press, November 2022

Annie Proulx (New Hampshire). Fen, Bog, and Swamp: A Short History of Peatland Destruction and Its Role in the Climate Crisis. Scribner, September 2022

Martin Rees (University of Cambridge). If Science Is to Save Us. Polity, November 2022

David M. Rubenstein (The Carlyle Group). How to Invest: Masters on the Craft. Simon & Schuster, September 2022

Frederick Schauer (University of Virginia). The Proof: Uses of Evidence in Law, Politics, and Everything Else. Harvard University Press, May 2022

Joseph Silk (Johns Hopkins University; Institute of Astrophysics, Paris). Back to the Moon: The Next Giant Leap for Humankind. Princeton University Press, November 2022

Alfred Z. Spector (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Peter Norvig (Stanford University), Chris Wiggins (Columbia University), and Jeannette M. Wing (Columbia University). Data Science in Context: Foundations, Challenges, Opportunities. Cambridge University Press, September 2022

Michael E. Stone (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Emanuela Timotin (Romanian Ƶ, Bucharest). The Cheirograph of Adam in Armenian and Romanian Traditions: New Texts and Images. Brepolis, March 2023

Michael E. Stone (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Aram Topchyan (Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, Armenia). Jews in Ancient and Medieval Armenia: First Century BCE – Fourteenth Century CE. Oxford University Press, June 2022

Colm Tóibín (Dublin, Ireland). A Guest at the Feast: Essays. Scribner, January 2023

Virginia Trimble (University of California, Irvine) and David A. Weintraub (Vanderbilt University), eds. The Sky is for Everyone: Women Astronomers in Their Own Words. Princeton University Press, June 2022

Neil deGrasse Tyson (American Museum of Natural History). Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization. Henry Holt and Co., September 2022

Daniel H. Weiss (Metropolitan Museum of Art). Why the Museum Matters. Yale University Press, November 2022

Jeannette M. Wing (Columbia University), Alfred Z. Spector (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Peter Norvig (Stanford University), and Chris Wiggins (Columbia University). Data Science in Context: Foundations, Challenges, Opportunities. Cambridge University Press, September 2022

We invite all Fellows and International Honorary Members to send notices about their recent and forthcoming publications, new appointments, exhibitions and performances, films and documentaries, and honors and prizes to bulletin@amacad.org.
