Spring 2018 Bulletin


Select Prizes and Awards to Members

Rakesh Agrawal (Purdue University) received the 2017 Alpha Chi Sigma Award for Chemical Engineering Research. He also delivered the 2017 Peter V. Danckwerts Lecture at the 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering in Barcelona, Spain.

Angela Belcher (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was elected to the National Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Engineering.

Alexander Beilinson (University of Chicago) was awarded the 2018 Wolf Prize in Mathematics. He shares the prize with Vladimir Drinfeld (University of Chicago).

Bruce A. Beutler (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) was elected to the American Association for Cancer Research Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Jeff Bezos (Amazon.com) was elected to the National Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Engineering.

Edward Boyden (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is the recipient of the 2018 Canada Gairdner International Award. He shares the prize with Peter Hegemann (Humboldt University of Berlin) and Karl Deisseroth (Stanford University).

Timothy Bresnahan (Stanford University) is the recipient of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics, Finance, and Management. He shares the award with Ariel Pakes (Harvard University) and Robert Porter (Northwestern University).

Chi Van Dang (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research; The Wistar Institute) was elected to the American Association for Cancer Research Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Jennifer A. Doudna (University of California, Berkeley) delivered the 14th AACR-Irving Weinstein Foundation Distinguished Lecture.

Vladimir Drinfeld (University of Chicago) was awarded the 2018 Wolf Prize in Mathematics. He shares the prize with Alexander Beilinson (University of Chicago).

Jeffrey Eugenides (Princeton University) has been elected to the American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts and Letters.

Paul Falkowski (Rutgers University) was awarded the 2018 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. He shares the award with James J. McCarthy (Harvard University).

Jack H. Freed (Cornell University) received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, given by Marquis Who’s Who.

Gary Gilliland (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) was elected to the American Association for Cancer Research Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Laurie H. Glimcher (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School) was elected to the American Association for Cancer Research Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Gabriela González (Louisiana State University) is the recipient of the Southeastern Universities Research Association’s 2018 Distinguished Scientist Award.

Harry Gray (California Institute of Technology) was awarded Caltech’s 2018 Richard P. Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

David Haussler (University of California, Santa Cruz) was elected to the National Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Engineering.

John L. Hennessy (Stanford University) and David A. Patterson (Google) are the recipients of the 2017 ACM A.M. Turing Award.

Tony Hunter (Salk Institute for Biological Studies) is the recipient of the 21st Pezcoller Foundation-AACR International Award for Extraordinary Achievement in Cancer Research.

David Jerison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was awarded a Simons Fellowship in Mathematics.

John A. Katzenellenbogen (University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign) is the recipient of the 12th AACR Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry in Cancer Research.

Maxine Hong Kingston (University of California, Berkeley) has been elected to the American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts and Letters.

Richard D. Klausner (Juno Therapeutics; GRAIL) was elected to the American Association for Cancer Research Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Roger D. Kornberg (Stanford University School of Medicine) was elected to the American Association for Cancer Research Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Robert P. Langlands (Institute for Advanced Study) was awarded the Abel Prize by the Norwegian Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Science and Letters.

Frank Thomson Leighton (Akamai Technologies; Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is the recipient of the 2018 Marconi Prize.

Arthur D. Levinson (Calico Life Sciences) was elected to the American Association for Cancer Research Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

George Lewis (Columbia University) has been elected to the American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts and Letters.

Scott W. Lowe (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) received the 58th AACR-G.H.A. Clowes Memorial Award.

Jane Lubchenco (Oregon State University) is the recipient of the 2018 Vannevar Bush Award, given by the National Science Board.

Alexander Lubotzky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) was awarded the 2018 Israel Prize by the Israeli Ministry of Education.

Lynne Maquat (University of Rochester) was awarded the 2018 Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences.

James J. McCarthy (Harvard University) was awarded the 2018 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. He shares the award with Paul Falkowski (Rutgers University).

Sir Paul McCartney (London, United Kingdom) was awarded the 2018 Wolf Prize for Music. He shares the prize with Adam Fischer (Austro-Hungarian Haydn Orchestra).

David Morrison (University of California, Santa Barbara) was awarded a Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics.

Lynn Nottage (Columbia University) has been elected to the American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts and Letters.

Ariel Pakes (Harvard University) is the recipient of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics, Finance, and Management. He shares the award with Timothy Bresnahan (Stanford University) and Robert Porter (Northwestern University).

David A. Patterson (Google) and John L. Hennessy (Stanford University) are the recipients of the 2017 ACM A.M. Turing Award.

Robert Porter (Northwestern Uni-
versity) is the recipient of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics, Finance, and Management. He shares the award with Timothy Bresnahan (Stanford University) and Ariel Pakes (Harvard University).

Gene Robinson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) was awarded the 2018 Wolf Prize in Agriculture.

Alexander Rudensky (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) was awarded the 2018 Vilcek Prize in Biomedical Science.

George Saunders (Syracuse University) has been elected to the American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts and Letters.

Joan Wallach Scott (Institute for Advanced Study) was named a Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur of France.

David Seidman (Northwestern University) was elected to the National Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Engineering.

Pamela Soltis (University of Florida) is the recipient of the Southeastern Universities Research Association’s 2018 Distinguished Scientist Award.

Cass Sunstein (Harvard Law School) was awarded the Holberg Prize.

New Appointments

Lawrence S. Bacow (Harvard Kennedy School) has been named the 29th President of Harvard University.

Michael R. Bloomberg (Bloomberg L.P.) has been appointed UN Special Envoy for Climate Action.

Mary C. Boyce (Columbia University) has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Altair.

Andrew Delbanco (Columbia University) has been named President of the Teagle Foundation.

Susan Desmond-Hellmann (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) has been appointed Chairman of the Galien Foundation’s Prix Galien Awards Committee.

Brian Druker (Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine) has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of Aileron Therapeutics.

Roger Falcone (University of California, Berkeley) was named the 104th President of the American Physical Society.

Walter Isaacson (Aspen Institute) has been elected to the Board of Trustees of The Rockefeller Foundation.

Takeo Kanade (Carnegie Mellon University) has been appointed as a Strategic Advisor to JingChi.

David King (University of Cambridge) has been named a Non-Executive Director of the Board of Emergex Vaccines Holding Limited.

Dan Littman (New York University) has been elected to the Board of Directors of Pfizer Inc.

Diane Mathis (Harvard Medical School) has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of Pandion Therapeutics.

Ernest Moniz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Nuclear Threat Initiative) has been appointed to the Advisory Board of Terrestrial Energy.

Erin K. O’Shea (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation.

Penny Pritzker (PSP Capital Partners) has been elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Carol Prives (Columbia University) has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of Aileron Therapeutics.

Daniela Rus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has been appointed to the Board of Advisors of Piaggio Fast Forward.

Thomas C. Südhof (Stanford School of Medicine) has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Abide Therapeutics, Inc.

Mark Trahant (University of North Dakota) has been named Editor of Indian Country Today.

Billie Tsien (Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects) has been elected President of the American Çï¿ûÊÓƵ of Arts and Letters.

Amanda Woodward (University of Chicago) has been appointed Dean of the Division of the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago.

Select Publications


Ha Jin (Boston University). A Distant Center. Copper Canyon Press, April 2018


Madeline Albright (Albright Stonebridge Group). Fascism: A Warning. HarperCollins, April 2018

Gregg Easterbrook (The Atlantic). It’s Better Than It Looks: Reasons for Optimism in an Age of Fear. Public Affairs Books, February 2018

John Lewis Gaddis (Yale University). On Grand Strategy. Penguin Press, April 2018

Margaret Gilbert (University of California, Irvine). Rights and Demands: A Foundational Inquiry. Oxford University Press, May 2018

Stephen Greenblatt (Harvard University). Tyrant: Shakespeare on Politics. W.W. Norton, May 2018

Alan Lightman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Searching for Stars on an Island in Maine. Pantheon, March 2018

Nell Painter (Princeton University). Old in Art School: A Memoir of Starting Over. Counterpoint, June 2018

Francine Prose (New York, NY). What to Read and Why. Harper, July 2018

Elizabeth Barlow Rogers (Foundation for Landscape Studies). Saving Central Park: A History and a Memoir. Knopf, May 2018

Michael J. Ryan (University of Texas at Austin). A Taste for the Beautiful: The Evolution of Attraction. Princeton University Press, January 2018

Richard Sennett (London School of Economics) Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, April 2018

Paul Theroux (East Sandwich, Massachusetts). Figures in a Landscape: People and Places. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Dolan, May 2018

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