Spring 2012 Bulletin


As of press time, several Fellows of the Ƶ, listed below, had been nominated or appointed to key posts in the Obama administration:

Rebecca M. Blank (U.S. Department of Commerce) was confirmed as Deputy Secretary of Commerce.

Amy Gutmann (University of Pennsylvania) was reappointed Chair of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

James W. Wagner (Emory University) was reappointed Vice Chair of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

Select Prizes and Awards

National Humanities Medal, 2011

Kwame Anthony Appiah (Princeton University)

John Ashbery (Bard College)

Robert Darnton (Harvard University)

Andrew Delbanco (Columbia University)

Charles Rosen (New York, New York)

Amartya Sen (Harvard University)

Ƶ Fellows awarded 2012 Guggenheim Fellowships

John Aldrich (Duke University)

John Carlson (Yale University)

James N. Druckman (Northwestern University)

Margot E. Fassler (University of Notre Dame)

Robert P. Kirshner (Harvard University)

Richard Sieburth (New York University)

Beth A. Simmons (Harvard University)

Stephen Yablo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Ƶ Fellows elected to the National Ƶ of Engineering, 2012

Mary C. Boyce (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Tobin J. Marks (Northwestern University)

David E. Shaw (D.E. Shaw Research)

Samuel I. Stupp (Northwestern University)

Michael S. Waterman (University of Southern California)

Other Awards

Madeleine K. Albright (Washington, DC) received a 2012 Common Wealth Award of Distinguished Service.

Cornelia I. Bargmann (The Rockefeller University) is the recipient of the Dart/NYU Biotechnology Achievement Award in Basic Biotechnology.

Zdenek P. Bazant (Northwestern University) is the recipient of the 2011 Maurice A. Biot Medal from the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Robert J. Birgeneau (University of California, Berkeley) is the recipient of the 2012 Clifford G. Shull Prize, given by the Neutron Scattering Society of America.

Elizabeth Blackburn (University of California, San Francisco) received the 2012 American Institute of Chemists Gold Medal.

Titia de Lange (The Rockefeller University) has been awarded the Dr. H. P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Rita Dove (University of Virginia) is the recipient of a 2011 National Medal of Arts.

Marye Anne Fox (University of California, San Diego) received the 2012 Othmer Gold Medal from the Chemical Heritage Foundation.

Elaine Fuchs (The Rockefeller University) received the 2012 March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology. She shares the prize with Howard Green (Harvard Medical School).

John Lewis Gaddis (Yale University) received a 2012 Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Critics Circle Award for George F. Kennan: An American Life.

Barbara Goldsmith (Barbara Goldsmith Productions) was among the recipients of the 2012 Women of Achievement Award, given by the Women’s Project.

Everett Peter Greenberg (University of Washington) is the recipient of the 2012 D.C. White Research and Mentoring Award, given by the American Society for Microbiology.

Stephen Greenblatt (Harvard University) won a 2012 Pulitzer Prize for The Swerve: How the World Became Modern.

Jeffrey C. Hall (University of Maine) was awarded the Canada Gairdner International Award. He shares the award with Michael Rosbash (Brandeis University) and Michael W. Young (Rockefeller University).

Helen Hobbs (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) was awarded the inaugural Antonio M. Gotto Jr. Prize in Atherosclerosis Research.

Michael J. Hopkins (Harvard University) is the recipient of the NAS Award in Mathematics.

Nancy Hopkins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is the 2012 recipient of the Margaret L. Kripke Legend Award for Promotion of Women in Cancer Medicine and Cancer Science, presented by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Shirley Ann Jackson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) is the recipient of the 2011 Philip Hauge Abelson Award, given by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Thomas Jessell (Columbia University) received a Canada Gairdner International Award.

Andrew H. Knoll (Harvard University) was awarded the Mary Clark Thompson Medal by the National Ƶ of Sciences.

Eric S. Lander (The Broad Institute) is the recipient of the Dart/NYU Biotechnology Achievement Award in Applied Biotechnology.

Leon M. Lederman (Illinois Mathematics and Science Ƶ) is the recipient of the 2012 Vannevar Bush Award, given by the National Science Board.

Tobin J. Marks (Northwestern University) is the recipient of the NAS Award in Chemical Sciences.

Harry Y. McSween, Jr. (University of Tennessee) has been awarded the J. Lawrence Smith Medal by the National Ƶ of Sciences.

Jeremiah P. Ostriker (Princeton University) has been awarded the James Craig Watson Medal by the National Ƶ of Sciences.

Michael I. Posner (University of Oregon) is the recipient of the John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science, given by the National Ƶ of Sciences.

Robert Powell (University of California, Berkeley) is the recipient of the NAS Award for Behavioral Research Relevant to the Prevention of Nuclear War.

Menahem Pressler (Indiana University) was awarded the 2012 Yehudi Menuhin Prize for the Integration of the Arts and Education.

Jeffrey V. Ravetch (The Rockefeller University) received a Canada Gairdner International Award.

Daniel T. Rodgers (Princeton University) received a 2012 Bancroft Prize for Age of Fracture.

Barbara Romanowicz (University of California, Berkeley) was awarded the Harry Fielding Reid Medal by the Seismological Society of America.

Michael Rosbash (Brandeis University) was awarded the Canada Gairdner International Award. He shares the award with Jeffrey C. Hall (University of Maine) and Michael W. Young (Rockefeller University).

Henry F. Schaefer III (University of Georgia) is the recipient of the 2012 SURA Distinguished Scientist Award, given by the Southeastern Universities Research Association.

John H. Seinfeld (California Institute of Technology) has been awarded the 2012 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. He shares the award with Kirk R. Smith (University of California, Berkeley).

Amartya Sen (Harvard University) is the recipient of the 2012 Notre Dame Award for International Human Development and Solidarity.

Harold T. Shapiro (Princeton University) has been awarded the Public Welfare Medal by the National Ƶ of Sciences.

Robert B. Silvers (New York Review of Books) received the Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award, given by the National Book Critics Circle.

Larry R. Squire (University of California, San Diego; va Medical Center, San Diego) is the recipient of the NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing.

Ezra F. Vogel (Harvard University) won the 2012 Lionel Gelber Prize for his book, Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.

Bert Vogelstein (Johns Hopkins University) was awarded the Eighth Annual AACR-Irving Weinstein Foundation Distinguished Lectureship by the American Association for Cancer Research.

Bess B. Ward (Princeton University) is the recipient of the 2012 Procter & Gamble Award in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, given by the American Society for Microbiology.

Robert A. Weinberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is the recipient of the 2012 Pezcoller Foundation-AACR International Award for Cancer Research.

New Appointments

Brook H. Byers (Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers) was elected to the Board of Trustees of Stanford University.

Rita R. Colwell (Canon U.S. Life Sciences, Inc.) was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Marine Biological Laboratory.

Robert M. Groves (U.S. Census Bureau) was appointed Executive Vice President and Provost of Georgetown University.

Steven E. Hyman (Harvard University) has been named Director of the Broad Institute’s Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research.

Randy H. Katz (University of California, Berkeley) was appointed to the Board of Advisors of Conte- Xtream, Inc.

Larry D. Kramer (Stanford Law School) was selected to be President of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Tak W. Mak (University of Toronto) has joined the Board of Directors of EntreMed, Inc.

Walter G. Massey (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Marine Biological Laboratory. Morton H. Meyerson (2m Companies, Inc.) has been named to the Board of Directors of Encore Health Resources.

James D. Plummer (Stanford University) was appointed to the President’s Council of the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering.

John W. Rowe (Exelon Corporation) has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Allstate Corporation.

Marjorie M. Scardino (Pearson) was elected to Chair the Board of Directors of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Sean C. Solomon (Carnegie Institution for Science) was named Director of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

Peter K. Vogt (Scripps Research Institute) was named Senior Vice President for Scientific Affairs at the Scripps Research Institute.

Select Publications


Nadine Gordimer (Johannesburg, South Africa). No Time Like the Present. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, April 2012

Toni Morrison (Princeton University). Home. Knopf, May 2012 John D. Steinbruner (University of Maryland). The Secular Monastery. CreateSpace, September 2011

John D. Steinbruner (University of Maryland). The Secular Monastery. CreateSpace, September 2011


Madeleine Albright (Washington, DC). Prague Winter: A Personal Story of Remembrance and War, 1937– 1948. Harper, April 2012

Daniel Boyarin (University of California, Berkeley). The Jewish Gospels: The Story of the Jewish Christ. New Press, April 2012

Bill Bradley (Allen & Company LLC). We Can All Do Better. Vanguard Press, May 2012

Alan Brinkley (Columbia University). John F. Kennedy. Times Books, May 2012

Robert A. Caro (New York, New York). The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson. Knopf, May 2012

Jean-Pierre Changeux (Institut Pasteur). The Good, the True, and the Beautiful: A Neuronal Approach, trans. Laurence Garey. Yale University Press, May 2012

Bill Clinton (William J. Clinton Foundation). Back to Work: Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy. Knopf, November 2011

E. J. Dionne, Jr. (Brookings Institution). Our Divided Political Heart: The Battle for the American Idea in an Age of Discontent. Bloomsbury, June 2012

Diana L. Eck (Harvard University). India: A Sacred Geography. Harmony, March 2012

Susan T. Fiske (Princeton University) and Hazel Rose Markus (Stanford University), eds. Facing Social Class: How Societal Rank Influences Interaction. Russell Sage Foundation, April 2012

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (Harvard University). The Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Reader. Basic Civitas Books, May 2012

Amy Gutmann (University of Pennsylvania) and Dennis Thompson (Harvard University). The Spirit of Compromise: Why Governing Demands It and Campaigning Undermines It. Princeton University Press, May 2012

Eric R. Kandel (Columbia University). The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present. Random House, March 2012

Alice Kaplan (Yale University). Dreaming in French: The Paris Years of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, Susan Sontag, and Angela Davis. University of Chicago Press, April 2012

Alice Kessler-Harris (Columbia University). A Difficult Woman: The Challenging Life and Times of Lillian Hellman. Bloomsbury Press, April 2012

Laurence J. Kotlikoff (Boston University) and Scott Burns (Asset Builder). The Clash of Generations: Saving Ourselves, Our Kids, and Our Economy. MIT Press, April 2012

Bernard Lewis (Princeton University) with Buntzie Ellis Churchill (World Affairs Council of Philadelphia). Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian. Viking, May 2012

Tanya Luhrmann (Stanford University). When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God. Knopf, March 2012

Thomas E. Mann (Brookings Institution) and Norman J. Ornstein (American Enterprise Institute). It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism. Basic Books, May 2012

Hazel Rose Markus (Stanford University) and Susan T. Fiske (Princeton University), eds. Facing Social Class: How Societal Rank Influences Interaction. Russell Sage Foundation, April 2012

Jerry L. Mashaw (Yale Law School). Creating the Administrative Constitution: The Lost One Hundred Years of American Administrative Law. Yale University Press, June 2012

Martha C. Nussbaum (University of Chicago). The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, April 2012

Francis Oakley (Williams College). The Mortgage of the Past: Reshaping the Ancient Political Inheritance (1050–1300). Yale University Press, April 2012

Norman J. Ornstein (American Enterprise Institute) and Thomas E. Mann (Brookings Institution). It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism. Basic Books, May 2012

Elaine Pagels (Princeton University). Revelations: Visions, Prophecies & Politics in the Book of Revelation. Viking, March 2012

Colin Powell (Colin L. Powell Associates, LLC). It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership. Harper, May 2012

Anna Quindlen (New York, New York). Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake. Random House, April 2012

Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen (University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ƶ Visiting Scholar, 2005– 2006). American Nietzsche: A History of an Icon and His Ideas. University of Chicago Press, November 2011

Marilynne Robinson (University of Iowa). When I Was a Child I Read Books. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, March 2012

Charles Rosen (New York, New York). Freedom and the Arts: Essays on Music and Literature. Harvard University Press, May 2012

Robert J. Sampson (Harvard University). Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect. University of Chicago Press, February 2012

Jonathan D. Sarna (Brandeis University). When General Grant Expelled the Jews. Schocken, March 2012

Dennis Thompson (Harvard University) and Amy Gutmann (University of Pennsylvania). The Spirit of Compromise: Why Governing Demands It and Campaigning Undermines It. Princeton University Press, May 2012

Jeremy Waldron (New York University). “Partly Laws Common to All Mankind”: Foreign Law in American Courts. Yale University Press, May 2012

Garry Wills (Northwestern University). Font of Life: Ambrose, Augustine, and the Mystery of Baptism. Oxford University Press, April 2012

Edward O. Wilson (Harvard University). The Social Conquest of Earth. Liveright, April 2012

Christoph Wolff (Harvard University). Mozart at the Gateway to His Fortune: Serving the Emperor, 1788–1791. W.W. Norton, May 2012

Nicholas T. Zervas (Harvard Medical School; Massachusetts General Hospital), ed. Lectures on Music Form by Dimitri Mitropoulos; translated from Greek to English. Livanis, Greece, 2011


Richard Serra (New York, New York): Richard Serra Drawing: A Retrospective at The Menil Collection, through June 10, 2012

We invite all Fellows and Foreign Honorary Members to send notices about their recent and forthcoming publications, scientific findings, exhibitions and performances, and honors and prizes to bulletin@amacad.org.