For the first time in their histories, five international academies have joined together to sign a document in support of increased investment in language education, an unprecedented collaboration at a time of global uncertainty.

The Importance of Languages in Global Context: An International Call to Action is a collaboration of five institutions from nations in which English is a primary language: the Ƶ, the British Ƶ, the Ƶ of the Social Sciences in Australia, The Australian Ƶ of the Humanities, and the Royal Society of Canada.
The statement was inspired by the ongoing work of the American and British Academies, which have issued complementary reports on language education in recent years. The American Ƶ took the lead on this effort as part of its rollout efforts in support of its 2017 report, America’s Languages: Investing In Language Education for the 21st Century.
“We are delighted to have played such an important role in the creation of this joint statement,” said American Ƶ president David Oxtoby. “Each nation understands its language capacity and needs differently, but we all agree that the ability to speak languages in addition to English will continue to be a critical skill in a shrinking world.”
The joint statement recommends that the nations represented should invest educational resources to support the diversity of languages spoken within their borders, including indigenous languages, and provide greater access to education in a range of languages, even as they strive to improve literacy in English.
The statement references current challenges as part of its call for increased investment: “The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified global communications—virtual meetings, streaming cultural content, international news, social media, and so on—but also risks increasing inequalities and heightening racism as well as regional tensions. To solve the problems we face, we must increase our capacity to speak with each other as part of a global community.”
The participating academies see this effort as an important declaration of principle and hope it inspires more discussion, as well as a greater emphasis on language instruction and revitalization.
“The academies have chosen to issue their first joint statement about the kind of world we would like to see and help foster,” Oxtoby said. “We are pleased that our first collaboration addresses such an important issue, and we all look forward to working together on future initiatives.”
This statement was signed by:
- David W. Oxtoby, President, Ƶ;
- Professor Sir David Cannadine PBA, President, British Ƶ;
- Jeremy McNeil CM, FRSC, President, Royal Society of Canada;
- Professor Joy Damousi FAHA FASSA, President, Australian Ƶ of the Humanities; and
- Professor Jane Hall FASSA FTSE, President, Ƶ of the Social Sciences in Australia.