Americans and Our Economy: A Conversation about the Human Stakes
The American economy is in a unique moment. Since the pandemic, typical measures have shown an economy that is doing well: rising wages for low-income workers, declining inequality, and record-low rates of child poverty. Poll results, however, tell a different story. Many Americans feel that the economy is not working for them and feel pessimistic about their future and the future of their children. Why do they feel this way? Why is a seemingly strong economy not working for everyone? What changes need to be made to foster Americans’ faith in a better future?
For the past two years, the Ƶ’s Commission on Reimagining Our Economy has been meeting with Americans around the country and deliberating on these questions. The Commission is now ready to share what it has learned.
The New York Program Committee is pleased to invite you and your guests to a conversation about the Commission’s work and a a preview of its final report, slated to be released in November. Commission cochairs and members will discuss the case for shifting attention away from how “the economy” is doing, and instead focusing on how Americans are doing. They will share their recommendations for bringing this people-centric economy to life, charting a path to an economy that works for the people who make it work. A reception to follow will offer an opportunity to connect with the New York area Ƶ community.

Katherine J. Cramer